The search for the perfect acne remedy

Any company or individual that offers help against acne will be keen on persuading you that their acne remedy is the best of the best. However, objectively speaking, there is a set of simple rules regarding acne treatment. Failing to follow these will make even the most effective acne remedy utterly ineffective.

First of all, it's crucial that you resist the temptation of squeezing at your face. It may look like a good short-term solution, and like the way to get rid of those pestering pimples, but things are not always as they appear. First of all, the pus inside the pimples spreads on the surrounding area quite easily. This only means more acne yet to come, when you least expect it.

Furthermore, you may unwillingly push the pus deeper inside the skin layers. Obviously, this leads to an even more serious infection. Needless to say, the final and worst effect that picking at your face may have is permanent scarring. And, sadly enough, there is no such thing as an acne treatment for that.

An amazing myth uses the sun as an alternative acne treatment. It is said that the oil glands that cause acne dry up this way. Even if that may be partly true, there are more downsides to staying in the sun for a long time than benefits.

The sun causes the follicles to become blocked. The follicular walls are extremely sensitive and the sun harms them in such a way that more irritation and more acne are caused. Furthermore, free radicals are released within the skin as a result of prolonged solar exposure. This leaves the skin (particularly sensitive skin) unable to heal at the same rate as it once did, thus annihilating the effects of any acne remedy. When it comes to diet as part of acne treatment, it is definitely one aspect that should not be ignored. First, try to eliminate the possibility of an allergy (although, generally, the differences between the symptoms of an allergy and those of acne are quite easy to spot) so as to be able to go for the right acne remedy.

Treating your diet seriously as part of the treatment is extremely important. It has been clinically proven that eating a large quantity of fresh vegetables and fruit greatly diminishes the chances of acne bursting out on your face. However, sweets, even in small quantities, if you're the possessor of sensitive skin, together with too fat foods, alcohol and smoking will have immediate and visible effects.

The best thing you can do is try to be a vegetarian for about a week. The effects will be absolutely amazing, because this sort of approach to acne treatment implies tackling the problem from its very source.

Highly refined sugars are not the only ones that can cause this issue. You should also try to keep away as much as possible from things such as seafood, most types of mushrooms and excessively salty foods. Salt makes your body retain liquids, which is extremely unhealthy. Fried foods are also to be avoided. Not only are they generally undesirable since they are extremely fat, but most of them also affect your skin. Also, remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. This will help your body cleanse itself.