Methods for repairing hernia

Hernia is a problem that with the help of a surgical intervention might be considered history. Hernia is caused of the weakness of the muscle tissues of the abdominal wall. When these tissues are weakening the risk for internal organs to bulge, especially the intestines, is high. The main hernia repair consists of a surgical intervention that may be done in a day or more, depending on each case. The hospitalization period is influenced by the age of the patient, by the type of hernia and even by its hobbies. If he as smoker or an alcoholic complications may occur and long time hospitalization is needed. The surgery consists of pushing back the bulge of peritoneum and then closes the operation by stitching one side to another, under general anesthesia.

In many cases this firm stitching will cause pain after every move. That is why surgeons recommend a pretty long period without physical activities. Even after this intervention no one can assure the patients that hernia will not recur. More than that, a high percentage of the people that were once operated are prone to develop hernia again. The number of cases stands up to 10 %. For these people a second intervention mean higher pain and more uncomfortable consequences.

Surgeons thought of methods to reduce to reduce the pain caused by the stitches and got to the conclusion that stitching the tissues in layers causes less pressure. Later the surgeons noticed that placing a patch over the hernia is an alternative for stitching in layers. Done in any way, stitching causes tissue distortion with pain as a main consequence.

A new method in repairing hernia is believed to be the laparoscopic technique. This procedure consists of the insertion of a small tube provided with a video camera into the abdominal cavity. The surgeon operates while looking to the image on a monitor. This technique is the most difficult one to perform because accidents may occur during the operation. The laparoscopic technique has an advantage too because of the small incision required.

In order for the surgeon to work with the inserted tube, the patient's abdomen must be pumped up with carbon dioxide gas. While applying this technique the surgeons are guided only by what they see on the monitor. The difference between a normal intervention and a laparoscopic hernia repair is made by the control that the surgeon has. In more complex cases the surgeon needs to see with his eyes instead of seeing on a monitor. This technique of hernia repair did lead to serious accidents to the organs near by.