Sayings of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.A.W)

The  Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Acquiring knowledge in (the) company (of others) for an hour in the night is better than spending the whole night in prayer." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 91


The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The best of you are those who are slow to anger and swift to cool down...Beware of anger, for it is a live coal on the heart of the descendants of Adam." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1331 


"(The righteous) are those who spend generously (in the way of God), whether they are in prosperity or in adversity, who control their anger and forgive other people, for God loves those who do good." - The Holy Quran, 3:134
The Behaviour with People
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do evil." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1325
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Shake hands and rancor will disappear. Give presents to each other and love each other and enmity will disappear." - Al-Muwatta, Volume 47, Hadith 16
Narrated by Ibn Abbas Sahih Bukhari
The Prophet once stayed for nineteen days and prayed shortened prayers. So when we travel led (and stayed) for nineteen days, we used to shorten the prayer but if we travelled (and stayed) for a longer period we used to offer the full prayer.
Narrated by Abdullah  Volume 5, Book 57, Number 3 Sahih Bukhari : Prophet said, "The best people are those living in my generation, and then those who will follow them, and then those who will follow the latter. Then there will come some people who will bear witness before taking oaths, and take oaths before bearing witness." (Ibrahim, a sub-narrator said, "They used to beat us for witnesses and covenants when we were still children.")
Narrated by Anas(R.A) Volume 3, Book 34, Number 265 : Sahih Bukhari
When Abdur-Rahman bin Auf came to Medina, the Prophet established a bond of brotherhood between him and Sad bin Ar-Rabi al-Ansari. Sad was a rich man, so he said to 'Abdur-Rahman, "I will give you half of my property and will help you marry." 'Abdur-Rahman said (to him), "May Allah bless you in your family and property. Show me the market." So 'Abdur-Rahman did not return from the market) till he gained some dried buttermilk (yoghurt) and butter (through trading). He brought that to his house-hold. We stayed for some-time (or as long as Allah wished), and then Abdur-Rahman came, scented with yellowish perfume. The Prophet said (to him) "What is this?" He replied, "I got married to an Ansari woman." The Prophet asked, "What did you pay her?" He replied, "A gold stone or gold equal to the weight of a date stone." The Prophet said (to him), "Give a wedding banquet even if with one sheep."
Narrated by Abu Huraira Volume 8, Book 73, Number 2 : Sahih Bukhari
A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who is more entitled to be treated with the best companionship by me?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man said. "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man further said, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man asked for the fourth time, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your father. "