5 Types Of Women You Should Date

5 Types Of Women You Should Date
When you first start dating women, at first it was exciting, exhilaratingFUN! Until you got tired of the same ol' scene...the same kind of women...the same dating cycle. You start thinking, "There should be more than this." And you're right...there IS. What you actually need is to find a GOOD WOMAN. And if you're used to the same "exciting" stuff night after night, then it'll be challenging for you to find her. But, don't fret. There are a lot of good women out there... You just need to be open and aware of how to spot them. Here is a list of women you SHOULD be dating when you're out there trying to find Ms. Right. Check each one and think about which one you'd like to be with most... TYPE OF WOMEN YOU WANT TO DATE #1: MISS SOPHISTICATED She's funny, hot, and spontaneous. She's well-dressed, sociable, and when you're with her...everyone has their eye on her. If you're the type of guy who wants that level of sophistication in his life... Miss Sophisticated is definitely the right woman for you. She makes you look and feel good when you're with her. She's the woman every girl wants to be, and every guy wants to be with. She's classy and cool. She can talk to just about anyone, even your boss! She can make you look so good that your boss might consider you for that position you've been eyeing on for some time. DOWNSIDE: Watch out for her being a little too formal and unwilling to "get real." Don't let her get pretentious. TYPE OF WOMEN YOU WANT TO DATE #2: MISS ARTISTIC She's always exciting and cerebral. You'll see her in art shows, bars, theaters, cultural musical concerts. If you're the guy who's into art and music or wants to learn more about it Miss Artistic is the woman for you. You'll see her caring for culture and for the world. You'll have good conversation with her. And if deep down inside you're really a "cultural" kind of guy, and you're a free thinker, this girl is what you want. DOWNSIDE: She can also be a bit pretentious, so you have to keep it real. And watch out for her being a little "black & white" in her thinking. READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE HERE