Krishi Vigyan Kendra: Extension Training Centre J&K Job Recruitment – Apply Here

Krishi Vigyan Kendra: Extension Training Centre J&K Job Recruitment – Apply Here

Krishi Vigyan Kendra: Extension Training Centre J&K Job Recruitment – Apply Here

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following two positions to be filled under research project entitled “Impact of Climatic Change on Honeybees & Innovative Strategies to Conserve Them for Pollination Services in Temperate Crops” funded under Competitive Grants Component (CGC) of the National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture(NICRA-CRIDA)-Hyderabad.

Name of Post:

1- Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Salary: Rs.31,000+HRA

2- Young Professional –I
Salary: Rs.25,000 – Rs.28,000

Essential Qualification:

1- B.Sc. Agriculture/Horticulture
2- Master’s degree in Entomology/Fruit Sciences
Desirable: Candidate with research experience on pollinators and pollination management in apple and other temperate fruits.

How to Apply: The applications completed in all respects including qualification, publications, experience, contact no., Email ID and an affixed recent passport size photograph along with attested copies of the certificates/testimonials should reach to the office of the Principal Investigator at KVK/ETC, Malangpora Pulwama through email ID: / WhatsApp: 9906758967 by or before1st February, 2022.

The date of interview for the said positions shall be communicated through E-mail/contact numbers to all the eligible candidates.