How to get Domicile Certificate in Jammu Kashmir J&K?

How to get Domicile Certificate in Jammu Kashmir J&K? 

The permanent resident certificate (PRC) holders and other applicants can apply for the issuance of domicile certificate online by providing their Aadhaar number and receive the certificate through online mode at PRC holders will be able to receive their domicile certificate through this application without having to visit any office.

Eligibility Criteria

Any person who fulfils the following conditions shall be eligible for grant of Domicile Certificate by the Competent Authority.

who has resided for a period of fifteen years in the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir or has studied for a period of seven years and appeared in Class 10th /12th examination in an educational institution located in the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir; or

who is registered as a migrant by the Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner (Migrants) in the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir; or

children of those Central Government Officials , All India Services Officers, Officials of Public Sector Undertaking and Autonomous body of Central Government, Public Sector Banks, Officials of Statutory bodies, Officials of Central Universities and recognised Research institutes of Central Government who have served in Jammu and Kashmir for a total period of ten years; or

children of parents who fulfil any of the conditions in clause (a); or (b);or

children of such residents of Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir as reside outside Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir in connection with their employment or business or other professional or vocational reasons but their parents fulfil any of the conditions provided in clauses (a) or (b)

How to Apply for Domicile Certificate in Jammu Kashmir?