50 - Library Science Question with Answer Mcqs Short Quiz

50 - Library Science Question with Answer Mcqs Short Quiz. 1. A Process of gathering processing representing and storage of information in a database is (A) Information selectivity (B) Information processing (C) Information retrieval (D) Information representation 2. A sequence of actions which results in obtaining required information is called (A) Retrieval system (B) Retrieval code (C) Retrieval program (D) Retrieval device 3. The microversion of CDS/ ISIS package is written in (A) C language (B) Fortran language (C) Cobol language (D) Pascal language 4. The vacuum tubes were used in which generation of computers? (A) Second generation (B) Third generation (C) First generation (D) Second and third generation 5. Which of the following type’s memory is volatile? (A) ROM (B) RAM (C) PROM (D) All these 6. The string of 8 bits is called (A) Byte (B) String (C) Character (D) Binary 7. Librarians are grouped under which category of library staff according to the? UGC library Committee? (A) Academic (B) Professional (C) Administrative (D) Teaching 8Surveys of the users are most useful in (A) Special libraries (B) Public libraries (C) Academic and special libraries (D) University libraries 9. Which of the following is related with library users education? (A) Ranganathan (B) P Knapp (C) M Dewey (D) D M Noris 10. Initiation of the readers means (A) Orientation (B) Knowledge (C) Beginning (D) Understanding 11. Indian’s first Library Legislation after Independence was enacted in.. (A) Bihar (B) Tamil Nadu (C) Maharashtra (D) Punjab 12. In India “Book week” is celebrated in the month of ……. (A) January (B) November (C) September (D) June 13. The indexing periodicals provide us (A) List of articles (B) List of books (C) Whole bibliographical descriptions of articles (D) List of documents 14. The frequency of Indian National Bibliography ( I.N.B) is (A) Annually (B) Weekly (C) Monthly (D) Quarterly 15. The number of language books which are covered in Indian National Bibliography ( I.N. B) is (A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 15 (D) 13 16. The Collection of Maps, Tables and Charts, etc., is called (A) Globe (B) Map (C) Atlas (D) Gazetteer 17. The patents are regarded as.. (A) Primary sources (B) Tertiary sources (C) Secondary sources (D) None of these 18. ISSN stands for (A) Indian Standard Service Number (B) International Standard Serial Number (C) Indian Super Service Number (D) International Super Service Number 19. Which of the following is a technique to train professional staff with in the library ? (A) Job Rotation (B) Staff Assessment (C) Conference participations (D) Communicating Job Standards 20. According to Ranganathan the Percentage of total money of the library budget to be spent on the reading materials should be …… (A) 10% (B) 5% (C) 40% (D) 75% 21. The most important aspect of the management is …. (A) Performance analysis (B) Budget (C) Cost benefit analysis (D) All these 22. The PPBS technique was developed by .. (A) World Bank (B) State Bank of India (C) Rand Corporation (D) RRRLF 23. PERT means (A) Programme Evaluation Review Technique (B) Programme Evaluation Reverse Technique (C) Post Evaluation Review Technique (D) Postgraduate Evaluation Review Technique 24. The Zero Based Budget was first prepared in….. (A) 1947 (B) 1950 (C) 1970 (D) 1965 25. The seven step of planning was formulated by… (A) Knoontz and O Donial (B) E.Mayo (C) A. Moslo (D) H.Fayol 26. System analysis of a library is carried out for … (A) Developments of Library routines only (B) Improvement of the functions and services (C) Evaluating the performance (D) All these 27. Thesis is an example of (A) Micro document (B) Macro document (C) Meta data (D) Conventional document 28. Five Laws of Library Science was first published in …. (A) 1925 (B) 1930 (C) 1931 (D) 1933 29. In India the Library Science education started at… (A) New Delhi in 1924 (B) Baroda in 1911 (C) Chennai in 1933 (D) None of these 30. American Library Association (ALA) has instituted …….. For promoting love for books and reading. (A) Clarence day Award (B) Carnegie medal (C) Caldcott medal (D) Aurianne medal 31. Open access system of a library is specified in … (A) First law of library science. (B) Fifth law of library science (C) Second law of library science (D) Third law of library science 32. Translation of document is (A) Secondary source (B) Primary source (C) Tertiary source (D) Not a source 33. The sources which are available chiefly in the printed form are called………… sources. (A) Reference (B) Documentary (C) Non – documentary (D) Information 34. In a library scheme of collection, number are devised and maintained by. (A) Reference section (B) Review section (C) Technical section (D) Maintenance s 35. Proper organization of reading material and efficient charging system is the implication of. (A) Fourth law of library science. (B) Third law of library science (C) Second law of library science (D) None of these 36. First Indian university that converted the diploma in library science into Bachelor’s Degree was… (A) University of Delhi (B) Banaras Hindu University (C) Aligarh Muslim University (D) Panjab University. 37. Collection and Provision of Information from Various sources over a period of time is known as … (A) Long range reference service (B) SDI (C) Short range reference service (D) None of these 38. The grant from the UGC for the Academic libraries is called (A) Regular grant (B) Ad- hoc grant (C) Plan grant (D) Irregular grant 39. The arrangement of main entries in the classified catalogue is.. (A) According to the author (B) According to the tile (C) By a classification scheme (D) Alphabetically 40. In India, Public library developments as a movement was initially started from (A) Delhi (B) Kolkata (C) Baroda (D) Pune. 41. Library grows and grows endlessly’ is (A) First law of library science (B) Fifth law of library science. (C) Fourth law of library science (D) not a law of library science. 42. Who is the director of public libraries in India, according to the library legislation of India? (A) Chief Executive at state level (B) Prime mister (C) State governor (D) None of these 43. The number of states in India having library legislation (Presently) is ….. (A) 11 (B) 16 (C) 18 (D) None of these 44. A Database is a collection of (A) Records in machine readable form (B) Books (C) Journals (D) None of these 45. The e-books means (A) Book in English (B) Any book available in electronic form (C) Any information available online (D) Any text books 46. In which scheme for classification, the number ‘999’ is free extra- terrestrial subjects? (A) Colon Classification (B) Dewey Decimal Classification (C) Both (A) & (B) (D) None of these 47. A heading which is partly relevant to the subject sought is (A) Penumbral subject (B) Basic subject (C) Alien subject (D) None of these 48. The catalogue code which provides three level of descriptions is (A) Classified catalogue code (B) AACR –II (C) Dictionary catalogue code (D) All these 49. Which of the following codes was considered complete codification for subject catalogue? (A) Vatican Code (B) Jewett’s Code (C) Ranganathan Code (D) C A Cutter ‘s Code 50. A catalogue of books related to places is (A) Topographical catalogue (B) Connective catalogue (C) Trade catalogue (D) Serial catalogue Answer 1 (B) Information processing 2 (A) Retrieval system 3 (D) Pascal language 4 (C) First generation 5 (D) All these 6 (A) Byte 7 (D) Teaching 8 (B) Public libraries 9 (B) P Knapp 10 (A) Orientation 11 (B) Tamil Nadu 12 (B) November 13 (C) Whole bibliographical descriptions of articles 14 (C) Monthly 15 (C) 15 16 (C) Atlas 17 (A) Primary sources 18 (B) International Standard Serial Number 19 (A) Job Rotation 20 (C) 40% 21 (D) All these 22 (C) Rand Corporation 23 (A) Programme Evaluation Review Technique 24 (C) 1970 25 (D) H.Fayol 26 (D) All these 27 (D) Conventional document 28 (C) 1931 29 (B) Baroda in 1911 30 (C) Caldcott medal 31 (D) Third law of library science 32 (D) Not a source 33 (B) Documentary 34 (C) Technical section 35 (A) Fourth law of library science. 36 (C) Aligarh Muslim University 37 (B) SDI 38 (B) Ad- hoc grant 39 (C) By a classification scheme 40 (C) Baroda 41 (B) Fifth law of library science. 42 (A) Chief Executive at state level 43 (D) None of these 44 (A) Records in machine readable form 45 (B) Any book available in electronic form 46 (C) Both (A) & (B) 47 (B) Basic subject 48 (D) All these 49 (C) Ranganathan Code 50 (C) Trade catalogue