JKBOSE Class 12th History Guess Paper for Session 2021-22 | Download PDF File

JKBOSE Class 12th History Guess Paper for Session 2021-22 | Download PDF File

Hello Guys Today in this article we are going to share JKBOSE Class 12th guess paper for History subject. Students can download this Guess Paper by following the links provided below. 

It is that time of the year again. Board exams are  approaching and all your classmates, including you have begun preparing for the JKBOSE Exams. While all of you must be putting in all that you have, to study, remember and revise as much of your syllabus as possible, there is, almost always, a sense of anxiety and apprehension regarding exams. There can be two results in this situation, either you let the stress take over and stop you from giving your best performance, or you nip anxiety in the bud, by taking a few planned steps in the right direction.

Guess papers give you an idea about the paper format, as they are catered to the specific board’s exam pattern. You also get to know about the mark scheme and weightage of each question. It will help you prepare the topics accordingly. 

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History 12th Guess Paper.pdf 592kb

Guess papers are handy for practicing. You can solve many guess papers and get an idea about where you stand regarding your exam preparation. You can set a timer to practice attempting questions within the required limit. With regular practice, your mistakes will be minimal and your speed will increase. 

You should not only use guess papers for the exam preparation. Many students put blind faith in the guess papers and expect the board exam to replicate them. However, it does not happen mostly. A few questions from the guess papers may come in the board exams, but even that happens on chance. 

Guess papers are just supplementary study material. Your main preparation tool should be your book notes and lecture notes. 

Past papers prove to be more effective for practice. They contain important questions and help understand the paper pattern. You get to know how conceptual questions are formulated in the board exams. In fact, solving past papers should be the only thing you should do in the last week of your revision for board exams. 

Using solved past papers is even better, as you can consult them when confused about answering a conceptual question. However, use only quality solved past papers, as some can misguide you.