Ekam Kasoti Online Entry SaralData App And Guideline Pdf | Guideline Video

Ekam Kasoti Online Entry SaralData App And Guideline Pdf | Guideline Video
Saraldata App for Unit Test PAT ONLINE Mark Entry: The SaralData App unit is an application for scanning test evaluations. SaralData App Guide is also provided here. This application can be easily used by reading Ekam Kasoti Marks Entry Guide.This app helps digitise the answer sheet of weekly exams held in Gujarat by SSA.SSA gujarat Declared saraldata app for PAT entry for primary schools. Primary stage 10 district Selected for PAT entry online entry.
Ekam Kasoti Online Entry SaralData App
From this year, an innovative medium has been implemented for the entry of unit test marks. For the entry of unit test marks, the table given in this booklet of unit test has to be scanned by mobile application for entry of marks. Detailed guidance is provided in this post.

The unit taken from this year is new for the entry of test multiples The medium comes into play. Entry of unit test multiplier Given in the unit test booklet through mobile application The table has to be scanned and the entry has to be made. For this Detailed guidance on application and its use.
Is given.

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સ્કેનિંગ પત્રક PDF 1    DOWNLOAD
સ્કેનિંગ પત્રક PDF 2   DOWNLOAD
સ્કેનીગ એક્સેલ ફાઇલ  DOWNLOAD
એન્ટ્રી માર્ગદર્શિકા      DOWNLOAD

SaralData App Guide
SaralData App Guide is helpful for entry of marks. You can enter the marks as per the steps shown in Saral DataApp Guide. The marks should be entered according to the steps given in the guide.
  • First, After checking the test in the unit test booklet, the details of the student should be filled in the table given in the booklet.
  • Write the last seven digits of the student’s unique ID of 18 digits in the box provided at the top of the table.
  • At the bottom of the table, in the order of the question and the circle of the circle given in front of it, knead the circle of the marks obtained by the student in that question.
  • Please read SaralData App Guide carefully.
  • The last 5 digits of the student’s unique ID number are to be displayed in the student’s unique ID column.
  • Write the numbers in English so that they can be scanned. Gujarati digits will not be scanned.
  • In each question, mark the marks obtained by the student with a hb pencil or a dark pencil on the marks.
  • After noting the full details, scan this photo from the application mentioned so that the marks of the student’s unit test will be recorded.
  • This process has to be done for the entry of marks from all the tests
  • Use a dark pencil or a black blue pen to draw in a circle.
  • Do not leave any circle blank.
  • Do not kneel more than one circle in a question.
SSA conducts weekly tests to help students become proficient in key learning objectives. This app has been launched by SSA with questions being provided by GCERT, to enable easy and quick data collection at the question level for the answers that students provide in these weekly tests.

SaralData – PAT Marks Entry App
SSA conducts weekly tests to help students become proficient in key learning objectives. This app has been launched by SSA with questions being provided by GCERT, to enable easy and quick data collection at the question level for the answers that students provide in these weekly tests.

How to download Saral Data App?
First of all open Google Play Store on mobile.
Then search by typing ‘Saraldata’ in the search box.
Now click on the install button.

How to Enter PAT Marks on SaralData App?
In order to make a PAT mark entry through a SaralData mobile application, first, you have to download the application from the link given above. Before entering the marks, the details of the student should be filled in the table given in the unit test booklet. Write the last seven digits of Student Unique ID in the given table. Now check that each question is marked according to the order. Now the following steps are to be followed to scan the marks.
  • Open the SaralData mobile app
  • Click on the ‘PROCEED’ button on the screen
  • Now log in using username and password
  • The school name and dice code will appear after logging in
  • Then click on the + (plus) sign in the lower right corner of the mobile screen
  • Now you have to select the class, section and test date
  • Now click on the Next button
  • Class, Exam Date, Students Number will appear on the screen
  • Now click on the green circle at the bottom of the screen
  • So your camera will start in which you have to give ‘Allow’ permission
  • Then activate Write System settings
  • Now scan the table in the booklet
  • After all the students’ marks are scanned, click on the Save Scan button
  • Now click on the OK button.
Ekam Kasoti Mark Entry Status Check Here

સ્કેનિંગ પત્રક PDF 1    DOWNLOAD
સ્કેનિંગ પત્રક PDF 2   DOWNLOAD
સ્કેનીગ એક્સેલ ફાઇલ  DOWNLOAD
એન્ટ્રી માર્ગદર્શિકા      DOWNLOAD

SaralData – PAT Marks Entry App
SSA conducts weekly tests to help students become proficient in key learning objectives. This app has been launched by SSA with questions being provided by GCERT, to enable easy and quick data collection at the question level for the answers that students provide in these weekly tests.

SaralData Description
SSA conducts weekly tests to help students become proficient in key learning objectives. This app has been launched by SSA with questions being provided by GCERT, to enable easy and quick data collection at the question level for the answers that students provide in these weekly tests.