Prathmik Shala Mate Upyogi Website Link Nu List | Primary School Useful Website List

Prathmik Shala Mate Upyogi Website Link Nu List | Primary School Useful Website List
How many online operations are made in primary schools, we do not remember how much online work, if it works, it has been placed in its link to integrate various different online operations here, you just have to save this one link in which different Online operations will be found together only this is a true means you will become your work easier to inform your friends too.
Prathmik Shala Mate Upyogi Website Link Nu List | Primary School Useful Website List
Digital Gujarat Portal
A Common Services Portal (CSP – Digital Gujarat Portal) is a vision to provide one-stop solution for all G2C Services for citizens of Gujarat State. As a part of this vision, this Department intended to integrate Home Department, Women & Child Development ,Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Revenue Department, Education Department and Social Justice and Empowerment Department G2C Services in this application.
G-Shala : Gujarat - Students' Holistic Adaptive Learning App is an eContent App for Standard 1 to 12 embedded on Learning Management System (LMS). G-Shala is designed & developed by Gujarat Council of School Education, Samagra Shiksha, Education Department, Government of Gujarat based on Gujarat State Education Board (GSEB) syllabus.

G-Shala is a platform-agnostic and device-independent App which provides digital interactive 2D/3D augmented e-Content mapped with textbooks for all the subjects, including Science & General streams in Std.11-12.

DIKSHA - Platform for School Education
The DIKSHA platform offers teachers, students and parents engaging learning material relevant to the prescribed school curriculum. Teachers have access to aids like lesson plans, worksheets and activities, to create enjoyable classroom experiences. Students understand concepts, revise lessons and do practice exercises. Parents can follow classroom activities and clear doubts outside school hours.

App highlights
• Explore interactive material created by teachers and the best Indian content creators for teachers and students in India. By India, for India!
• Scan QR codes from textbooks and find additional learning material associated with the topic
• Store and share content offline, even without Internet connectivity
• Find lessons and worksheets relevant to what is taught in the school classroom
• Experience the app in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Urdu with additional Indian languages coming soon!
• Supports multiple content formats like Video, PDF, HTML, ePub, H5P, Quizzes - and more formats coming soon!

Mid Day Meal - Gujarat
Gujarat was the second state in the country to have started Mid Day Meal scheme in 1984. It involves provision of hot cooked meal free of cost to school-children on all working days. It aims at increasing enrollment rate, reducing dropout rate and reducing burden of poverty on poor parents and caste discrimination in the society.

National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP-NSPE) was launched as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme on 15 Aug, 1995 with intent to increase enrollment, retention and attendance of school going children. This was launched initially in 2408 blocks in the country, by the year 1997-98 the NP-NSPE was introduced in all blocks of the country. Today, the NP-NSPE is the world’s largest school meal programme covering around 12 Crore children in over 9.50 Lacs schools across India. The programme involves contribution from Central and State Government.

પ્રાથમિક શાળાઓ માટે દરરોજ ઉપયોગી બધી જ ઓનલાઈન એન્ટ્રીની કાયમી સાચવી રાખવા જેવી ઓલ ઈન વન લિંક:

First Aid Mobile Application For Students And Teachers Called FAST
The FAST mobile application is designed on First Aid for Students and Teachers, is an easy to use application with text and graphics used in appropriate proportion.The mobile application has life saving skill sets, emergency nos for ambulance, acronyms for better retention and implementation and finally dos and don'ts for precaution.

Prathmik Shala Mate Upyogi Website Link Nu List | Primary School Useful Website List
At the time of some time the various online operations occurring in the primary school, we are very difficult to do, but if this is a Trick, your trick will be removed if your trouble will be removed here if any new online operations will be given to its link You will not be updated so that you will not have trouble saving this link sometimes that the link opening the link is changed, the name of the URL address website will be changed, then it will be changed here. You will also be a solution And sometimes there is a need in emergency or the requirement of immediate information will be very useful at times, at some point, there is a time that we are engaged in social work, any other friends have been assigned to the performance of any other friends, but It does not have the requirement, but this is easy to send a link to our work, it is easy to work easily and use this link forever