Gujarat Primary School Mahekam Set up Paripatra Collection

Gujarat Primary School Mahekam Set up Paripatra Collection
Teacher Mahekam Ganatri Image For Std 1 To 5 And Std 6 To 8/Primary Teacher Mahekam Ganatri In Gujarat Primary School.std 1 hti 5 Ane std 6 thi 8 na Shikshako Na Mahekam Ni Ganatri Mate Ahi Aa Formate Apva ma Avel chhe. Je Sarkar shree na Paripatra mujab Taiyaar karel Chhe. Je darek School Ane Teachers Ne Mahekam Ganva mate Upayogi Thashe.
Gujarat Primary School Mahekam Set up Paripatra Collection
Gujarat Primary School Mahekam Set up Paripatra Collection | Mahekam Ganatri Format Std 1 To 5 And 6 To 8 | Primary School Mahekam Ganatri 

Gujarat Primary School Mahekam Set up Paripatra Collection
Std 1 hti 5 Ane std 6 thi 8 na Shikshako Na Mahekam Ni Ganatri Mate Ahi Aa Formate Apva ma Avel chhe. Je Sarkar shree na Paripatra mujab Taiyaar karel Chhe. Je darek School Ane Teachers Ne Mahekam Ganva mate Upayogi Thashe.

Gujarat Primary School Mahekam Set up Image
The Set Up  of primary teachers of Gujarat is calculated on 31st August every year. The number of teachers in each standard is calculated based on the number of students. Separate Set up  of Std. 1 to 8 and Std. 6 to 8 are prepared. In Std. 1 to 8 different sets up made according to the subject. Every principal has to give a certificate by reducing the names of the children who are constantly absent. Teacher Vadh ghat  camps as well as new recruits are based on this.

પ્રાથમિક શાળા ના મહેકમ ગણતરી અંગે પ્રાથમિક શિક્ષણ નિયામક કચેરીનો લેટર તારીખ- 14-8-2015

This set up image is very important for how many children get how many teachers to calculate the set up.This image is useful for every primary teacher and principal of Gujarat.
Student- Children Racio Set up Register ImageMahekam image for 31/8, Every year 31 August primary school mahekam created. So this image is useful for every year.