Computer Studies For Class IX (Science) - Guess Papers 2020 - By Sir Asif

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Class IX (Science)
Computer Studies Guess paper 2020

By Sir Asif
Note: For the solution of any question, mention question number in comment

Q1.  Difference between:
1). Hardware and Software                                             
2).  Mini and Micro Computer
3). Low Level & High Level Language.                             
4).  RAM and ROM
5). Analogue and Digital Computer                                 
6).  Data and Information

Q2.  Short note on the following:
1). Abacus                                                           
2). Tabulating Machine
3). Mainframe Computer                                 
4).  Mother Board 
5). Super Computer                               
6).  ALU and CU
7). Babbage Engine

Q3. Define Computer? Write the capabilities and limitation of Computer?
Q4. Describe Mini Computer and Micro Computer.
Q5. Write down the characteristics of 3rd , 4th and 5th Generations of Computer?   (any 6 points)
Q6. Write any four advantages of 3rd, 4th and 5th Generations of Computer?
Q7. Describe Generation? Draw generation Table.
Q8. Write down the classification of Computer according to the;       i). data handling           ii). Size
Q9.   What is Data Processing Cycle with diagram.
Q10. Name and define the computer which consists of both qualities analogue and digital system.
Q11. Define Programming Language? Explain its types.
Q12. What are the concepts of source program and object program?
Q13. Why do we need to translate a source code into machine code?
Q14. What are the impact of Computer on the society?         
Describe the impact and useful implementation of computer in education and business?
Q15. What are the advantages of Internet?
Q16. Describe the ages of Computer.
Q17. Define Language Translator? Explain its types.

Q18. Define CPU? Explain its functions.       OR   
Define CPU? Describe all its major parts.
Q19. Define CU? Explain its functions.
Q20. Draw block diagram of CPU and describe its different components.
Q21. Define Ports? What is the difference between serial and parallel ports?
Q22. Define Input devices and Output devices? Write down the characteristics of its?   
What are the purpose of Input device and output devices in Computer?

Q23. Define Computer Buses? Explain it different types.
Q24. Define Register? How many register are there in CPU?

Q25. Define Data? Explain the various types of data?
Q26. What is Number System? Describe the different types of number system?
Q27. Define the various coding schemes used in the Computer System?
Q28. How is a floating point number represented in  a Computer?
Q29. What is complement of a number? How 1st and 2nd Complement represented in a computer?

Q30. Define Software? What is the difference between System Software and Application Software?
Q31. What is an Operating System?
Q32. Write down the characterstics of Disk Operating System?
Q33. Explain general purpose and special purpose computer / Software?
Q34. What is a Command? What is the difference between Internal and External Commands?
Q35. What is a Directory? What Dos commands are used to create, change and delete a directory?
Q36. Define Memory? What is the difference between Internal and External Memory?
Q37. Define the following terms: 
i).  Utility Software                   
ii). Data Management Software               
iii). Editors                       
iv). Codes

EPROM ,  RMDIR,   EDVAC,   HD,   HDD,   IBM,   CRT,   ASCII,   BASIC,   LCD,    ATM,    ENIAC,   UNIVAC,   COBOL,   FORTRAN,   IC.   GUI,   A.I,   VCR,   DVD,   PC,   CPU,    CU,   ALU,   I/O,   RAM,   ROM,   CD-ROM,   BCD,   EBCDIC,   DOS,   OS,   DIR,   LSB,   MSB,  NDD