Coal Controler Recruitment 2020- Driver/ Clerk/ Senior Investigator/ Legal Assistant

Coal Controler Recruitment 2020.
Coal Controler has released a recruitment notification for 16 posts of Staff Car Driver, Legal Assistant, Upper Division Clerk and Senior Investigator. Interested candidates may check the vacancy details and apply offline.
More details about Coal Controler Recruitment (2020), including number of vacancies, eligibility criteria, selection procedure, how to apply and important dates, are given below-
Coal Controler Recruitment 2020, Driver, Clerk, Senior Investigator, Legal Assistant
Vacancy Detail
1)Name of post- Staff Car Driver
No of post- 1
Pay- Level 2 ( Rs. 19900- 63200)
Age- Minimum 18 years and Maximum 25 years.

2)Name of post- Upper Division Clerk
No of post- 13
Pay- Level 4 (  Rs. 25,500- 81,100)
Age- Not exceeding 56 years on the closing date of receipt of application.

2)Name of post- Senior Investigator
No of post- 1
Pay- Level 6 (  Rs. 35,400- 1,12,400)
Age- Not exceeding 56 years on the closing date of receipt of application.

4)Name of post- Legal Assistant
No of post- 1
Pay- Level 6 (  Rs. 35,400- 1,12,400)
Age- Not exceeding 56 years on the closing date of receipt of application.

Place Of Posting-  Kolkata, Dhanbad

Eligibility Criteria-
Staff Car Driver- pass in 10th standard from recognized board. Possessing a valid driving license for motor cars. knowledge of motor mechanism ( the candidates should be able to remove minor defects in vehicle). experience of driving motor car for at least three years. Three year service as home guard or civil volunteers.

Upper Division Clerk- Officers of the central government. Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department. OR with 8 years regular service rendered after appoinment to the post of Lower Division Clerk on regular basis in L-2 ( Rs. 19,900-3,200) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department.

Senior Investigator and Legal Assistant- Officers in central or State Govt. officers holding analogous posts.

How to apply- The application Prescribed format along with attested copies of required document to be forwarded by the cocerned organization/ department to "Shri Sadananda Mukherjee, Dy. Asstt. Coal Controller, Office of the Coal Controller, 1, Council House Street, Kolkata - 700001" withinn 60 days from the date of publication of the circular/advertisement in the employment news ( last date will be- 12/05/2020). within 30 days for Staff car driver posts ( last date will be- 13/04/2020).


RCB Recruitment 2020- Assistant Engineer/ Technical Officer/ Technical Assistant/ Section Officer