Principle Of Commerce For Class XI (Commerce) - Guess Papers 2020 - Sir Sajjad Akbar Chandio

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Class XI (Commerce)
Principle Of Commerce Guess paper 2020

By Sir Sajjad Akbar Chandio

Q.1: Definitions:
  • Commerce
  • Business
  • E-commerce
  • Trade
  • Industry
  • Profession
  • Auxiliary

Q.2: Problems facing starting new business
Q.3: Quality of good business man.
Q.4: Difference between:
  • Advertisement and Publicity
  • Foreign Trade and Domestic Trade
  • Modaraba Vs Musharka

Q.5: Define marketing and explain its function
Q.6: Explain source of short term Finance
Q.7: Define company and Describe incorporation of a Joint Stock company also character of joint stock company.
Q.8: Define Partnership and explain its type and deeds.
Q.9: Define Insurance and Explain its different kinds.
Q.10: Function of chamber of commerce
Q.11: Describe the step by step procedure of importing goods from a foreign country. List the documents used in this procedure.
Q.12: Draw the sketch of Business Letter and explain its kinds of  Business letter.
Q.13: Advantage of Sole proprietorship
Q.14: Clauses of Memorandum of association.
Q.15: Services of wholesaler to retailer.
Q.16: Letter
Q.17: Sale manager
Q.18: Accountant