English X - Chapter No.2 - Words/Meaning and Summary

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1. AffordSpare money
2. AstonishAmaze
3. ApproachTo come near
4. Be offGo away
5. BegRequest
6. CaliphA Muslim ruler
7. CertainSure
8. CloseNear
9. ClingStick
10. ClaimAssert, declare
11. DisguiseChange the appearance, hide
12. DismountGet down
13. DisputeQuarrel
14. FaithfulLoyal
15. First-handDirect
16. Hintedsuggest or indicate something indirectly
17. InsteadIn place of
18. JustRight, correct
19. LimpWalk lamely
20. LendLoan, grant to (someone) the use of (something)
21. MasterOwner
22. MentionInform
23. MingleMix
24. MotionMove, to signal
25. NobleGentle
26. NoticedObserved
27. Neigha characteristic high whinnying sound made by a horse
28. ObviousClear
29. PuzzledConfused
30. PronounceDeclare
31. RagsTorn clothes
32. ReadilyEasily
33. ReinsGuiding straps of a horse
34. SettleSolve
35. SevereSerious, stern
36. SnortThrow out the air violently
37. SwearTake oath
38. ShiverTremble
39. StiffenHarden
40. UtterlyCompletely
41. Well-to-doRich
42. WickedEvil-mannered
43. WinceWithdraw oneself
44. WisdomIntelligence

Short note Or Summary on The Wise Caliph

Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed was a wise Muslim king of Baghdad. He was famous for his justice and wisdom. One day Qazi of the city brought a disputed case before him, which he could not settle.Two men claimed ownership of a same horse. One man was rich and the other man was beggar.
Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed heard both the rich and the beggar.
The Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed asked both of them to touch the horse, one by one. At first the beggar touched the horse. On his touch the horse winced, as it did not like his touching. the horse expressed its pleasure by neighing when the rich man touches it. The caliph gave his decision that horse belonged to rich man. He forgave the beggar. The rich man also forgave the beggar and gave him a handful gold coins.