MCQs of physics 1st year chapter 6

17 MCQs come in physics papers for 1st year F.Sc part 1 class 11 students. There are several conceptual questions and the students cannot choose the right answer if they had poor preparation. 1st of all see my post on how to get good marks in physics 1st year and then we will discuss it further. Here is a list of all important MCQs of chapter 6 of your physics book.

1st year Physics MCQs

Now you know that I am uploading the exact things what it is mentioned in the title. You can find the MCQs of chapter 6 of fsc part 1 physics for 1st year students. Class 11 physics book chapter 6 MCQs are solved and the answerkey is given in the end.

F.Sc part 1 physics solved MCQs

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See the following helpful posts:
1. 1st year notes pdf
2. 1st year physics short questions notes
3. 1st year chemistry mcqs solved

Chapter 6 Fluid Dynamics

1. The study of the properties of fluids in motion is called:
a) Fluid
b) Fluid statics
c) Fluid dynamics
d) None

2. The dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity are.
a) ML1T-1
b) M2L1T1
c) ML-1T-1
d) M2L-1T-1

3. 𝜂 Is denoted for the coefficient of:
a) Friction
b) Viscosity
c) Linear expansion
d) Gravitational customer

4. The SI unit of coefficient of viscosity is:
a) 𝑘𝑔 𝑚−1 𝑠−1
b) 𝑘𝑔 𝑚−2 𝑠−1
c) 𝑘𝑔 𝑚−2𝑠−2
d) 𝑘𝑔 𝑚2 𝑠

5. An object moving through a fluid experience a retarding force called:
a) Drag force
b) Gravitational force
c) Terminating force
d) Frictional force

6. The maximum constant velocity of an object falling vertically downward is called:
a) Final velocity
b) Terminal velocity
c) Initial velocity
d) None of these

7. The drag force increases as the speed of the object:
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remain constant
d) None of these

8. The equation 𝐹 = 6𝜋𝜂𝑟𝑣 is called:
a) Newton’s law
b) Stoke’s law
c) Ohm’s law
d) Lenz’s law

9. Stokes law is applicable if body has __________ shape.
a) Rough
b) Square
c) Circular
d) Spherical

10. The drag force F on a sphere of radius r moving slowly with speed v through a fluid of viscosity 𝜂 is:
a) 6𝜋𝜂 𝑟2 𝑣
b) 6𝜋𝜂 𝑟 𝑣
c) 6𝜋2𝜂 𝑟 𝑣
d) 6𝜋𝜂 𝑟 𝑣2

11. Drag force is given by:
a) Newton’s law
b) Pascal’s law
c) Gauss’s law
d) Stoke’s law
12. When the weight of an object falling freely becomes equal to the drag force, then the body will move with:
a) Increasing speed
b) Decreasing speed
c) Constant speed
d) None of them

13. When the body reaches its terminal velocity, the acceleration of the body becomes:
a) Maximum speed
b) Minimum speed
c) Zero
d) Constant quantity

14. As the waterfalls from the tap, its speed increases, and cross-sectional area:
a) Zero
b) Increases
c) Decreases
d) Remains constant

15. Terminal velocity is given by equation.
a) Vt = 2gr2/9η
b) Vt = gr2/9η
c) Vt = gr2/9η
d) Vt = 9gr2/2η

16. If the radius of droplet becomes half then its terminal velocity will be:
a) Half
b) Double
c) One fourth
d) Four times

17. Turbulent flow is:
a) Unsteady and regular
b) Steady and regular
c) Unsteady and irregular
d) Steady and regular

18. The flow of an ideal fluid is always:
a) Turbulent
b) Streamline
c) Irregular
d) Straight line

19. Irregular flow of fluid is called:
a) Streamline
b) Turbulent
c) Uniform
d) Laminar

20. According to equation of continuity, A1V1 = A2V2 = constant. The constant is equal to:
a) Flow rate
b) Volume of fluid
c) Mass of fluid
d) Density of fluid

21. Equation of continuity is obtained by applying the law of conservation of:
a) Mass
b) Energy
c) Momentum
d) All

22. If the cross-sectional area of the pipe decreases, the speed of fluid must increase according to:
a) Venturi relation
b) Bernoulli’s equation
c) Equation of continuity
d) Torricelli’s theorem

23. In the equation of continuity, the units of Av is given as:
a) Cubic meter
b) Cubic meter per second
c) Square meter per second
d) Square meter

24. The law of conservation of mass gives:
a) Bernoulli’s equation
b) Equation of continuity
c) Torricelli theorem
d) None of these

25. Bernoulli’s theorem applies to:
a) Solids
b) Plasma state
c) Fluids
d) Liquids
26. The velocity of fluid increases where the pressure is:
a) Low
b) High
c) Constant
d) Changes continuously

27. Speed of efflux can be determined by applying:
a) Pressure-velocity relationship
b) Torricelli’s theorem
c) Venture relation
d) All

28. Venturi meter is a device used to measure:
a) The pressure of the fluid
b) Speed of fluid
c) Density of fluid
d) The viscosity of the fluid

29. A man standing near a fast-moving train may fall.
a) Away from the train
b) Towards the train
c) On himself
d) None of these

30. Bernoulli’s equation is obtained by applying the law of conservation of:
a) Mass
b) Energy
c) Momentum
d) Fluid

31. Ideal fluid is:
a) Non-viscous
b) Incompressible
c) Steady flow
d) Possess all properties

33. The mathematical relation 𝑣 = 2𝑔 ℎ2 − ℎ1 is known as:
a) Equation of continuity
b) Torricelli’s theorem
c) Bernoulli’s equation
d) Ventra relation

34. Swing is produced to:
a) Increase the speed of the ball
b) Decrease the speed of the ball
c) Deceive the player
d) Applying the force on the ball

35. The blood pressure in the vessels is always:
a) Less than atmosphere
b) Greater than atmosphere
c) Equal to atmosphere
d) 133.3 𝑁 𝑚2

36. The instrument used to measure blood pressure is called:
a) Venturi meter
b) Blood pressure
c) Sphygmomanometer
d) Sonometer

37. One Torr is expressed in 𝑁𝑚−2 as:
a) 133.3 𝑁𝑚−2
b) 13.33 𝑁𝑚−2
c) 1333 𝑁𝑚−2
d) 1.333 𝑁𝑚−2

38. Blood has a density equal to that of:
a) Mercury
b) Sodium
c) Honey
d) Water

39For which position, blood pressure in the body has the smallest value?
a) Standing straight
b) Sitting on chair
c) Sitting on ground
d) Lying horizontally

Answerkey part 1 class 11 physics mcqs notes pdf

Class 11 physics chapters:

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