Government Punjab e-Rozgaar Program 2019

Government E-Rozgaar Program 2019

In the background of taking off un-business and budgetary difficulties it has turned into a principal obligation of the administration to guide the informed youth of the region the correct way. Consequently, Chief Minister Punjab has chosen to set up E Rozgaar focuses in 36 areas of Punjab to give preparing to maturing consultants and improve their expert abilities. Through this activity Government of Punjab will help the young in procuring feasible pay. One of the real destinations of this venture is to give preparing chances to youth to independent work utilizing web based outsourcing. This savvy development by the Chief Minister will speed up the outsourcing aptitudes of around 10,000 individuals in a year which will in the long run help them to win a noteworthy living. This program isn't only a preparation program however an insurgency that will help create business and get ready Pakistan to keep running in the race of eventual fate of work the world over.

Web Development  Basics For Government e-Rozgaar Program 2019

1. Html and Css
2. Mysql
3. Sql Queries
4. Php and Mysql (Dynamic Websites)
5. Wordpress Basics
6. Building Websites Using Wordpress
7. Custom  Contenet Type In Wordpress
8. WordPress Theme Development

Requirements For E Rozgaar Program 

1.Graduation/Master Or Minimum 16 Years Education
2.Having Domicile Of Punjab
3.Age Limit Should Be Maximum 35 Years
4.Both Male & Female Can Apply

Duration Of E Rozgaar Program 2019 

Duaration Of e Rozgaar Program is 90-150 Days

Last Date Apply For e.Rozgaar Program

Last Date  Apply For e Rozgaar Program is,


How To Apply For E Rozgaar Program

Click Below On The Apply Now Button To Apply For E Rozgaar Program

Click Here To Apply For eRozgaar Program