Calculus & Analytic Geometry (B.A / B.Sc.)
Chapter:08 (Surfaces and Space Curves)
In this chapter, we will study the following topics:
- surfaces, intercept and traces
- section of the surfaces
- trace of the surfaces
- symmetry
- equation of plane
- surfaces revolution
- curve in the coordinate plane
- the sphere
- the equation of the cone generated
- radius and centers of the sphere
- quadric surfaces
- the ellipsoid and the hyperboloid
- ellipsoid of revolution
- prolate spheroid
- oblate spheroid
- the canonical equation of the hyperboloid
- hyperboloid on one sheet
- planes of symmetry
- semi axes of hyperboloid of one sheet
- semi-axes
- canonical equation of an elliptic paraboloid
- the trace of the surface by the plane
- a hyperbolic paraboloid
- the quadric cylinders
- vertex of the elliptic paraboloid
- an elliptic cylinder
- a hyperbolic cylinder
- a parabolic cylinder
- homogenous equation
- curves in space
- canonical helix
- ruled surfaces
- hyperboloid of one sheet
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