Casual Leave Rules 1981 in Urdu for Punjab Government Employees

The government of Punjab has set casual leave rules for all employees of attached departments. So, these all rules are presented here for Punjab employees in Urdu for easy access. Therefore, keep in touch this information below for further detail:

Casual leave may be granted to Government servants for short periods subject to the following conditions:
 i) Casual leave should not ordinarily exceed 10 days at a time and 25 days during any one calendar year; ii) The sanctioning authority may, however, grant casual leave 15 days at a time if special circumstances.
iii) It may be granted in conjunction with Fridays (now Sunday) or public holidays, but not with any other kind of leave or joining time. In case casual leave is combined with holidays the total period should not exceed 15 days at a time. The public holidays which are sandwiched between the casual leave shall be debited to the Casual Leave Account.
iv)  No Government servant may leave his headquarters during casual leave or holidays except with the permission of the sanctioning authority.
v) Subject to the delegation of powers which has been or may be made by Government from time to time in this behalf, casual leave may be sanctioned to a Government servant by his immediate officer.
vi) In the emergency, the Commissioners of Divisions can sanction casual leave up to 10 days to the Regional and Divisional Officers. In such gears, the Commissioners will notify the Heads of the Close Departments by a teleprinter message. Though applying for such crisis leave, the Regional/ Divisional Officer is required to watch the accompanying two conditions:
a)      he should certify that the leave applied for is due to him, and
b)      He ought to propose action plans for the transfer of work amid his nonattendance.
vii) The District Officers of other departments while proceeding on casual leave extending beyond 10 days shall inform the Deputy Commissioner of that fact;
viii) Casual leave shall not be granted to Government servants in conjunction with training period spent abroad.
Record of the Casual Leave:
ix) The record of the casual leave should be kept in the following manner:
a)      Casual Leave Account of each Government servant should be maintained properly on the prescribed form;
b) It ought to dependably stay in the care of the authorizing expert;
c) casual leave should not be granted unless the Casual Leave Account is seen by the sanctioning authority to ensure that
(i) the Leave applied for, is due and (ii) it is not excessive vis-à-vis the period of service during the year; and
d) Casual Leave Account should be closed on the transfer of a Government servant from the department/office or from one section/branch to another in the same department, signed by the endorsing specialist and exchanged promptly to the office/office or area/branch to which the officer is exchanged.


(Concentrate taken from Manual of Secretariat Instructions)

(viii)        Casual leave ought not usually to surpass 10 days on end and 25 days amid anyone schedule year. The authorizing expert may that as it may, concede easygoing surrender over to 15 days on end in unique conditions.

(ix)          Casual leave might be allowed related to Fridays or open occasions, yet not with some other sort of leave or joining time. When it is joined with occasions, the aggregate time frame ought not to surpass 15 days on end.

(x)           Subject to the appointment of forces which has been or might be set aside a few minutes to time for this sake, easygoing leave might be authorized to a Government worker by his quick unrivaled of review 16 or more.
 (iv)         Casual leave account of officers and Stenographers of officers of the rank of Deputy Secretary and above should be maintained in the Establishment and Accounts Branch of the Department concerned. Their applications should be marked to the Establishment and Accounts Branch which will add the casual leave account of the applicants and submit the papers to the concerned officers immediately for orders.
(i)                When the officers proceed on leave or tour, their Stenographers should report for duty to the Deputy Secretary in charge of the Wing in the Department.
(ii)              Casual leave account of the ministerial establishment including Section Stenographers should be maintained in the Section in which they are working.

(iii)             No Government servant should leave his headquarters during casual leave or holidays without the permission of the leave sanctioning authority. Govt servants are not permitted to casual leave by way of right. The easygoing leave is conceded to them by a method for beauty to empower Government hirelings to take care of their private undertakings of easygoing nature.