UIDAI 18003001947 Kindly check if this number Remove This Number

Kindly check if this number (1800 300 1947) is added to you Phone Directory. It may be saved by default as UIDAI. IT IS NOT THE OFFICIAL NUMBER OF UIDAI.
UIDAI 18003001947 Kindly check if this number Remove This Number

When I checked in my contact list, it was there as UIDAI. I deleted it immediately.

IF you find this number in your contact list, DELETE/BLOCK IT IMMEDIATELY.

Listen. No one put that number on your mobile phone. The UIDAI didn't do it. The govt didn't do it. The cellular operators didn't do it. The handset manufacturers didn't do it.

In fact the number isn't there on your phone. You're imagining things. Okay?#Sarcasm