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Computer Fundamentals MCQs Solved With Answers
1. The two kinds of main memory are:
A) Primary and secondary
B) Random and sequential
C) ROM and RAM (Answer)
D) All of above
2. In most of the IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drivers, memory, expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of the board ?
A) Motherboard (Answer)
B) Daughterboard
C) Bredboard
D) Fatherboard
3. Once you load the suitable program and provide required data, computer does not need human intervention. This feature is known as
A) Accuracy (Answer)
B) Reliability
C) Versatility
D) Automatic
4. A computer consists of
A) A central processing unit
B) A memory
C) Input and output unit
D) All of the above (Answer)
5. Nepal brought a computer for census of 2028 BS. This computer was of
A) first generation
B) second generation (Answer)
C) third generation
D) fourth generation
6. A hybrid computer
A) Resembles digital computer
B) Resembles analogue computer
C) Resembles both a digital and analogue computer (Answer)
D) None of the above
7. Instruction in computer languages consists of
C) Both of above (Answer)
D) None of above
8. What type of control pins are needed in a microprocessor to regulate traffic on the bus, in order to prevent two devices from trying to use it at the same time ?
A) Bus control
B) Interrupts
C) Bus arbitration (Answer)
D) Status
9. Which statement is valid about computer program ?
A) It is understood by a computer
B) It is understood by programmer
C) It is understood user
D) Both a & b (Answer)
10. The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from
A) Primary memory
B) Control section (Answer)
C) External memory
D) Cache memory