XML MCQs Quiz Test With Answers

XML means eXtensible Markup Language and it is a Markup Language just like HTML. It is used to storing the Data in its Tags. It is designed to be self descriptive with W3C Recommendations. XML is very difficult to understand. XML can Send and Reacive Informations. XML have same Heading Tags just like HTML tags but XML tags are not predefined just like we defined in HTML tags. Some MCQs about XML Interviews Tests Preparations with Quiz and solved MCQs with Answers.

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Past Papers XML MCQs Questions Answers

1. Valid XML document means (most appropriate)?

The document contains atleast one or more root element
The XML document has DTD associated with it & it complies with that DTD (Answer)
The document has root element
Each element must nest inside any enclosing element property

2. Kind of Parsers are?

Both B & C (Answer)

3. Which of the following programs support XML or XML applications?

Internet Explorer 5.5
Both A and B (Answer)
Netscape D.7

4. What are the predefined attributes?

Both A & B (Answer)
None of These

5. There is a way of describing XML data, how?

XML uses a DTD to describe the data
XML uses XSL to describe data
Both A and C (Answer)
XML uses a description node to describe data

6. Which statement is true?

All XML documents must have a DTD
All the statements are true
All XML elements must be lower case
All XML elements must have a closing tag (Answer)

7. When processing an output XML, "new line" symbols?

Are discarded
Are copied into output as is, i.e. CR+LF for Windows, CR for Macintosh, LF for Unix
Are converted to single LF symbol (Answer)
Are converted to single CR symbol

8. Comment in XML document is given by?

<!-- --> (Answer)
<?-- -->

9. Kind of Parsers are?

Non-validating and validating (Answer)
None of the above

10. XML document can be viewed in?

IE X.0
IE B.0
IE 6.0 (Answer)
IE C.0

11. DTD includes the specifications about the markup that can be used within the document, the specifications consists of all EXCEPT?

The size of element name
The browser name (Answer)
Entity declarations
Element declarations

12. Well formed XML document means?

It contain an element
It contains a root element
It contains one or more elements
Must contain one or more elements and root element must contain all other elements (Answer)

13. Which of the following strings are a correct XML name?

My Element
-myElement (Answer)

14. What does DTD stand for?

Dynamic Type Definition
Document Type Definition (Answer)
Do The Dance
Direct Type Definition

15. What does XML stand for?

Extensible Markup Language (Answer)
Extra Modern Link
Example Markup Language
X-Markup Language

16. Is it easier to process XML than HTML?

Yes (Answer)

17. Which of the following strings are a (Answer) XML name?

xslNewElement (Answer)
All of above

18. XML uses the features of?

SGML (Answer)