Complete List of Text Message Smileys Emojis

This is a list of notable and commonly used emoticons, or textual portrayals of a writer's moods or facial expressions in the form of icons. Originally, these icons consisted of ASCII art, and later, Shift_JIS art and Unicode art. In recent times, graphical icons, both static and animated, have joined the traditional text-based emoticons; these are commonly known as emoji.
Emoticons can generally be divided into three groups: Western (mainly from America and Europe) or horizontal (though not all are in that orientation); Eastern or vertical (mainly from east Asia); and 2channel style (originally used on 2channel and other Japanese message boards). The most common explanation for these different styles is that in the East, the eyes play the primary role in facial expressions, while in the West, the whole face tends to be used.

sharkShark (^^^)
glassesGlasses B-)
confused-revConfused Reverseo.O
colonthreeColon Three:3
putnamChristopher Putnam:putnam:

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TalkingDownload Here
talking from both sides of mouthDownload Here
Talking GibberishDownload Here
Talking head SmileyDownload Here
TearfulDownload Here
Telephone ReceiverDownload Here
TeletubbyDownload Here
TelevisionDownload Here
The DevilDownload Here
the other haloDownload Here
the popeDownload Here
thief: hands up!Download Here
Thin As A PinDownload Here
ThinkingDownload Here
thinkingDownload Here
ThinkingDownload Here
Thumbs DownDownload Here
Thumbs UpDownload Here
Thumbs UpDownload Here
thumbs upDownload Here
tickled/gigglingDownload Here
Time OutDownload Here
TiredDownload Here
TiredDownload Here
TiredDownload Here
ToesDownload Here
Tongue in CheekDownload Here
Tongue in CheekDownload Here
tongue sticking outDownload Here
Tongue Sticking OutDownload Here
tongue tiedDownload Here
tongue tied, don’t know what to sayDownload Here
Tongue Touching NoseDownload Here
tongue-tiedDownload Here
Total Head CaseDownload Here
Totally UnbelievableDownload Here
tounge in cheekDownload Here
tounge outDownload Here
tounge sticking outDownload Here
tounge tiedDownload Here
TowerDownload Here
TrekkieDownload Here
Triple ChinDownload Here
TurbanDownload Here
TurkeyDownload Here
TurtleDownload Here
two nosesDownload Here
Uh ohDownload Here
Uh-ohDownload Here
UltramanDownload Here
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un-smileyDownload Here
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Uncle SamDownload Here
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UndecidedDownload Here
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United States FlagDownload Here
UnSmiley big-faceDownload Here
unSmiley frowningDownload Here
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UpsetDownload Here
UpsetDownload Here
UpsetDownload Here
User after a BIZARRE commentDownload Here
User after a wry statementDownload Here
User after eating something bitterDownload Here
User after eating something sourDownload Here
User attends an Ivy League schoolDownload Here
User face screamingDownload Here
User just ate a sour pickleDownload Here
User licking it’s lipsDownload Here
User likes to scuba diveDownload Here
User needing a haircutDownload Here
User only has a left eye, which is closedDownload Here
User partied all nightDownload Here
User singing national anthemDownload Here
User spitting out its chewing tobaccoDownload Here
User sports a mohawk and admires Mr. TDownload Here
User talks too muchDownload Here
User tends to droolDownload Here
User wearing scuba maskDownload Here
user wears braces / lips are sealedDownload Here
User wears glassesDownload Here
User wears glassesDownload Here
User wears lipstickDownload Here
User which is tongue-tiedDownload Here
User with bushy mustacheDownload Here
User with funny-looking left noseDownload Here
User with funny-looking right noseDownload Here
User, wearing toupee in wind.Download Here
User’s beard has permanent wave *or* was drawn by PicassoDownload Here
User’s face needs a nosejob, no explanation necessaryDownload Here
User’s lips are sealed.Download Here
VampireDownload Here
VampireDownload Here
VampireDownload Here
VampireDownload Here
Vampire BatDownload Here
Vampire BatDownload Here
VampiroDownload Here
Very DrunkDownload Here
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WaveDownload Here
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wearing a bowtieDownload Here
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Wearing SunglassesDownload Here
Wearing SunglassesDownload Here
wearing toupeeDownload Here
wearing toupee in an updraftDownload Here
wearing toupee.Download Here
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WhateverDownload Here
WhateverDownload Here
WhateverDownload Here
WhiningDownload Here
WhiningDownload Here
WhiningDownload Here
WhistlingDownload Here
wide-eyedDownload Here
Wigged OutDownload Here
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WinkDownload Here
WinkDownload Here
WinkDownload Here
winkDownload Here
WinkDownload Here
winkDownload Here
WinkingDownload Here
WinkingDownload Here
WinkingDownload Here
WinkingDownload Here
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Winking VariationDownload Here
WitchDownload Here
With a bow-tieDownload Here
With a hatDownload Here
WizardDownload Here
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Wizard With WandDownload Here
WomanDownload Here
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WonderingDownload Here
WorriedDownload Here
Wow!Download Here
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Wry RemarkDownload Here
XboxDownload Here
YachtDownload Here
YawnDownload Here
YawnDownload Here
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yawningDownload Here
YawningDownload Here
Yawning Or Snoring VariationDownload Here
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YellingDownload Here
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Yikes!Download Here
Yo !!Download Here
YodaDownload Here
YodaDownload Here
You Make Me Sick!Download Here
You stepped on my toeDownload Here
You’re A Big Liar!Download Here
You’re kidding!Download Here
You’re Mad!Download Here
Yuck FaceDownload Here
YukDownload Here
Zippy the PinheadDownload Here