The Stipend of January, December, and November Month from NIP and Given Date 05 February

Assalam o Alaikum how are you all of them and also new applied candidates of (PMYTS) Prime Ministers youth Training Scheme 2018. You know already about a stipend for January, December and October NIP did not disbursement to their account due to Funds Shorting. I understand this one is not good news for all interns of NIP, and I know that some of the Interns using bad language to NIP on late stipend disbursing. First of all, I request you please don't use that language which is not suitable for you and NIP. Prime Minister youth training scheme is a great opportunity for all freshers candidate so just Ralex if you face that type problem or issue from NIP. This is not a mega mistake.

The Stipend of January, December, and November Month from NIP and Given Date 05 February

In this article or post, I just wanna tell you about the stipend for January, December and November month from NIP. National Internship Program already told you on their web portal about stipend will disbursement on the 05 February. I apologize given date may be changed in case of a problem or any other issue. So I again request you if you face the same problem again, remember those days when you start your internship in the first time, that time NIP  transferred stipend to your account after 3 months to all candidates.

Every Intern of  PMYTS can see below message of NIP on your web portal which or provided by NIP.
We would like to apologize for the unforeseen delay in payment of your monthly stipend.  Your previous month’s stipend will be paid with the current month’s stipend by the 5th of next month.  This unforeseen delay is highly regretted.
First of all, I advise you please open their web portal on weekly bases for all new updates about stipend or any other issue directly on your web portal in the right sidebar. also, submit feedback about your self and organization or any problem with the organization if someone face, your feedback directly read your respected employer for a solution of your problems.
 we noted some of the interns do not go to work but he submit their assessment to the respected employer or focal person.

NIP monitoring teams will find you in that case if you in study mode or work at the other organization they also pay you NIP will terminate as soon as possible to Internship. you will not continue again if you terminate one time. Plese, keep in mind the monitoring team any time visit your workplace. That time if you available on workplace this is good for you or on leave with a legal issue. otherwise, there is more chance of termination. Please always on duty at the end of Internship. If your performance excellent. maybe you can work permanently to their company or organization.

In last 05 February, dates fix for stipend and after transferred to your account may be you receive  SMS from NBP (National Bank of Pakistan). after that, you can check this by using your own registered number of a cell phone to their account number.  Method of balance checks every one knows that. but I again tell you how to check your stipend from NBP.
first of all open right message and type
NBP space  BAL space Your Account Number send to 9060 
But before this step, you must have minimum 05 rupees in your mobile sim for processing other vise message sending failed due to low balance, so recharge first then do the same step mentioned above.

I hope you will like this post and wish your confusion of stipend go away from your mind. so always keep the smile. One day you will become which you want. but just on your hard work and honest.
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