Spotting Errors in English Sentences for Exams Test

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Quantitative Reasoning Verbal Ability Spotting Errors Solved MCQs

1. These display: / (A) the / (B) remarkable /(C) No error



(B) (Answer)


2. A person I met: /(A) in the theater/(B) was the playwright himself/(C) No error

(A) (Answer)




3. The majority of the: /(A)computer professionals recommends /(B) that effective measures/(C) should be taken against software piracy / (D)No error

(A) (Answer)





4. My father is: /(A) in bad mood/(B) today /(C) No error



(B) (Answer)


5. According to the Bible: / (A) It is meek and humble / (B) who shall inherit the earth / (C) No error



(B) (Answer)


6. I am not wealthy /(A) so I cannot afford / (B) to buy a expensive car / (C) No error

(C) (Answer)




7. If you have faith in Almighty:/ (A) everything will turn out /(B) to be all right / (C) No error


(A) (Answer)



8. This town ins't very well known: /(A) and there ins't much to see/(B) so a few tourists come here /(C) No error


(C) (Answer)



9. The road / (A) to famous monument /(B) passes through a forest /(C) No error.


(B) (Answer)



10. Our Housing Society comprises of:/(A) six blocks and/(B)thirty three flats in an / (C) area of about thousand sq-metres / (D) No error




(D) (Answer)


11. Both the civilians: /(A) and armymen/(B) joined the First World War/(C) No error

(B) (Answer)




12. He obtained good marks: /(A) not only in English essay/(B) but also in arithmetic which was/(C)full of complicated calculations / (D) No error



(B) (Answer)



13. Sara opened a almirah / (A) full of books / (B)and took one of them / (C) for reading/ (D) No error

A (Answer)





14. The school is: /(A)within hundred yards /(B) from my house /(C) No error


(B) (Answer)



15. The accelerating pace of life in our metropolitan city: /(A) has had the tremendous effect/(B) on the culture and life-style of the people/(C) No error


(B) (Answer)



16. Most people would have: /(A) attended the union meeting/(B) if they had /(C) had longer notice of it/(D)No error


(D) (Answer)




17. The need to set up: /(A) a good library in the locality/(B) has been in the minds of people/(C) for some time now/ (D)No error



(C) (Answer)



18. The candidate lacks: /(A) an experience/(B)otherwise he is well qualified /(C) No error


(B) (Answer)



19. The famous Dr. Shahid: /(A) is only dentist/(B)in our village /(C)No error

(B) (Answer)




20. Whit little imagination and enterprise: /(A) the tournament could have been transformed/(B) into a major attraction /(C) No error


(A) (Answer)



21. He took to: /(A) reading Times /(B) for better knowledge/(C) of the facts/ (D) No error


(B) (Answer)




22. Now that she is living in her own flat: / (A) She cleans the windows / (B) twice a week in the summer and once a week in the winter / (C)No error

(C) (Answer)




23. The war of India /(A) is the full length illustration /(B)of a righteous war /(C) No error



(A) (Answer)


24. The interviewer asked me: /(A) if knew that /(B)Iqbal was the greater /(C) than any other pact / (D) No error




(C) (Answer)


25. On my request: /(A) Latif introduced me/(B) to his friend /(C)who is singer and a scientist / (D)No error


(D) (Answer)



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