PEC 8th Class Science Model Sample Papers Annual Examination

PEC 8th Class Science Model Sample Papers MCQs for Preparation of Annual Examination
SCIENCE PART – A (Objective Type)
Part-A: 48 Marks, Part-B: 52 Marks, Total: 100 Marks

Total Marks: 48  Part-A (Multiple Choice Questions)  Total Time: 1 Hour

Instructions: -Thirty two (32) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are given in this part. Each question carries 1.5 marks.
Q. No.1.  Which of the following is NOT a part of the forebrain?
(a)  Cerebrum        (b)  Cerebellum  
(c)  Thalamus      (d)  Hypothalamus

Q. No.2.  A tube which arises from kidney and enters the urinary bladder is called:
(a)  urethra       (b)  cortex        
(c)  ureter         (d)  medulla 

Q. No.3.  Cleaning of blood by artificial method is called:
(a)  dialysis      (b)  transplant    
(c)  lithotripsy    (d)  cloning   
Q. No.4.  Which of the following cells are produced by meiosis?
(a)  Skin cells         (b)  Gametes      
(c)  Cone cells       (d)  Heart cells  
Q. No.5.  Thread like structures present in the nucleus of a cell are called:
(a)  DNA        (b)  RNA   
(c)  Genes        (d)  Chromosomes   
Q. No.6.  Which of the following steps does NOT happen during DNA replication?
(a)  Unwinding of double helix structure         
(b)  Production of carbohydrates            
(c)  Separation of both the strands           
(d)  Production of new strands in front of the old ones       
Q. No.7.  Which of the following organisms is used as a transgenic organism in production of insulin?  
(a) Bacteria      (b) Virus                            (c) Mushroom        (d) Algae      
Q. No.8.  Dengue fever is spread by which of the following mosquitoes?
(a) Male aedes      (b) Female aedes       
(c) Male culex       (d) Female culex    
Q. No.9.  Which of the following gases causes air pollution?
(a)  N2    (b)  H2    (c)  O2    (d)  NO2
Q. No.10. Which of the following gases cause greenhouse effect?
(a)  Cl2 and H2    (b)  O2 and N2
(c)  H2O and CH4    (d)  He and O3
Q. No.11. Which of the following is the cause of skin cancer?
(a)  Global warming        (b)  Ozone depletion   
(c)  Acid rain      ا     (d)  Greenhouse effect  
Q. No.12.  Which one of the following is an example of chemical reaction?
(a)  Breakage of glass       (b)  Burning of wood 
(c)  Cutting of wood        (d)  Melting of ice    
Q. No.13.          xN2+3H2      2NH3
The above equation is balanced when:    
(a)  x = 1  (b)  x = 2  (c)  x = 3  (d)  x = 6
Q. No.14.  The example of decomposition reaction is:        
(a)  CaCO3  → CaO + CO2
(b)  Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2  + H2
(c)  HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O      
(d)  2Na + Cl2  → 2NaCl
Q. No.15.  Which one of the following gases is produced by the reaction of sulphuric acid and iron?  
(a) Oxygen         (b) Flourine    
(c) Hydrogen          (d) Chlorine   
Q. No.16.  The solution which turns litmus from blue to red is:        
(a) Ca(OH)2    (b) NaOH       (c) Na2CO3         (d) HCl
Q. No.17.  Weight of a table is 500N. The area occupied by it on the ground is 1m
2. The pressure exerted by it on the ground is:
(a)  50 Pa  (b)  100 Pa  (c)  500 Pa  (d)  1000 Pa
Q. No.18.  All of the following statements are true for liquid pressure EXCEPT:
(a)  It increases with depth        
(b)  It decreases with depth         
(c)  It acts perpendicular to the surface     
(d)  It acts equally in all directions  
Q. No.19.  In which one of the following things is gas pressure used in its working?  
(a)  Jack           (b)  Hydraulic lifter   
(c)  Hydraulic press     (d)  Pneumatic hammer    
Q. No.20.  The unit of mass  is:
(a)  kg  (b)  m  (c)  m2(d)  dm3
Q. No.21.  Which of the following instruments is used for measuring length? 
(a)  measuring cylinder      (b)  flask 
(c)  beaker            (d)  metre rule      
Q. No.22.  The greatest source of energy for our earth is:         
(a)  coal        (b)  sun      
(c)  food       (d)  diesel     
Q. No.23.  Railway tracks are laid with gaps between them for thermal(a)  expansion       (b)  conductivity   
(c)  contraction       (d)  transformation  
Q. No.24.  The liquid used in thermometer is:
(a)  acetone       (b)  water      
(c)  benzene          (d)  mercury   
Q. No.25.  Identify the lens given below.
(a)  double convex       
(b)  double concave   
(c)  concavo-convex 
(d)  convexo-concave     
Q. No.26.  In the given figure image is formed beyond the retina. This defect is known as:
(a)  short-sightedness       
(b)  long-sightedness 
(c)  cataract            
(d)  glaucoma         
Q. No.27.  The lens used in magnifying glass is:
(a) double concave    
(b) double convex   
(c) concavo-convex   
(d) convexo-concave    
Q. No.28. Which one of the following types of energy production is NOT environment friendly?
(a)  Nuclear energy     (b)  Hydal energy  
(c)  Wind energy     (d)  Solar energy    
Q. No.29.  The basic component of an electronic system is:
(a)  amplifier     
(b)  processor  
(c)  telescope         (d)  transistor   
Q. No.30.  The device which converts A.C to D.C is a/an:  
(a)  amplifier    
(b)  telescope  
(c)  diode       (d)  processor  
Q. No.31.  Continuous reporting of the position of a satellite is called:
(a)  monitoring     (b)  reporting  
(c)  watching        (d)  tracking   
Q. No.32.  Accurate weather report is possible with the help of:
(a)  satellites    
(b)  microscopes  
(c)  telescopes     (d)  spectroscopes 

Total Marks: 52  Part-B (Open Ended Questions)  Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Question No.33. (a) What is renal failure?               (2)
(b) What are the main four causes of renal failure?            (4)
Question No.34. (a) Give four differences between mitosis and meiosis.    (8)
(b) Name the cells produced by meiosis in animals.          (2)
Question No.35. (a) What is an acid?              (2)
(b) Complete and balance the following incomplete equations representing
properties of acids.                (6)
Mg + HCl
ZnCO3  + H2SO4
NaOH +  HCl
(c) Give any two uses of nitric acid.                (2)
Question No. 36. (a) Describe principal focus of a concave lens with the help of
diagram.                      (2+2)
Question No.37. (a) How is electricity generated from thermal energy?    (4)
(b) Name any two sources other than thermal energy to generate electricity. Also
describe two problems related to thermal power generation.          (2+4)