English Grammar Direct And Indirect Speech MCQs

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Direct and Indirect Narration Solved MCQs Exercises

1. Maryam said to Raza, |Let him come, then we shall see.|

Maryam said to Raza that if he came, they would see him
Mary told Robert that they would see him if he might come
Mary told Robert that they shall see him if he came
Mary told Robert that they would see him if he might come (Answer)


2. The Manager said, |Well, what can I do for you.|

The Manager wanted to know what he could do for him (Answer)
The Manager asked what he could do for him
The Manager said that he couldn't do anything for him.
The Manager wondered what he could do for him


3. Zain said to his sister, |Bring my breakfast.|

Zain asked his sister to bring him breakfast
Zain requested his sister bring my breakfast
Zain asked his sister to bring his breakfast (Answer)
Zain requested his sister to bring him breakfast


4. I don't know the way. Do you?| he asked.

He told that he was not knowing the way, but wondered if I knew.
He said that he didn't know the way did I know it.
He asked me if I knew the way which he didn't.
He said that he didn't know the way and asked me if I did. (Answer)


5. I said to my brother, |Let us go to some hill station for a change.|

I permitted my brother to go to some hill station for a change
I suggested to my brother that we should go to some hill station for a change (Answer)
I asked my brother if he would go to some hill station for a change
I asked my brother to go to some hill station for a change


6. He said, |I have often told you not to waste your time.|

He said that he had often told him not to waste his time
He said that he had often suggested to him not to waste his time
He told that he had often told him not to waste his time.
He said that he had often told him not waste him not to waste him time (Answer)


7. He said to her, |Don't read so fast.|

He advised her don't read so fast
He ordered her no to red so fast
He told her not to read so fast. (Answer)
He requested her not to read so fast


8. Shahid said, |O that I were a child again!|

Shahid exclaimed with wonder that he was a child again
Shahid prayed that he were a child again.
Shahid strongly wished that he had been a child again (Answer)
Shahid wondered that were he a child again


9. He said,|The mice will play, When the cat is away.|

He said that the mice would play when the cat would be away
He said that the mice will play when the cat is away (Answer)
He said that the mice shall play, when the cat is away.
He said that the mice would play when the cat was away.


10. He said to her, |May you succeed!|

He wished her success (Answer)
He prayed to God that she may succeed
He said to her that she might succeed
He told her that she might succed


11. The traveler inquired of the farmer if he could tell him the way to the nearest inn.

The traveler said to the farmer, |can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?| (Answer)
The traveler said to the farmer, |Where is the nearest inn?|
The traveler said to the farmer, |Can you tell me where the nearest inn is?|
The traveler said to the farmer, |Which is the way to the nearest inn?|


12. He said, |Can you sing?| And I said, |No.|

He asked me if I could sing and I refused
He asked me if I could sing and I said no.
He asked me if I could sing and I said that I could not. (Answer)
I denied, when he asked me if I could sing


13. If you don't keep quiet I shall shoot you, |he said to her in a calm voice.|

Calmly he warned her that be quiet or else he will have to shoot her.
He warned her to shoot if she did not keep quiet calmly.
He said calmly that I shall shoot you if you do not quiet.
He warned her calmly that he would shoot her if she did not keep quite. (Answer)


14. The spectators said, |Bravo! well played, Shahid.|

The spectators called bravo because he had played well
The spectators applauded shahid, saying that he had played well (Answer)
The spectators said that shahid played well and applauded him
The spectators encouraged Shahid saying that he played well


15. Are you alone, my son?| asked a soft voice close behind me.

A soft voice said to me are you alone son
A soft voice from my back asked If I was alone.
A soft voice asked that what I was doing there alone
A soft voice behind me asked if I was alone.correct


16. He said, |Will you listen to such a man?|

He asked them whether they will listen to such a man
He asked them will you listen to such a man
He asked them are you listening to such a man
He asked them whether they would listen to such a man (Answer)


17. The teacher said to his students, |Why are talking among yourselves.|

The teacher asked his student, that why they were talking among themselves
The teacher asked his students that why were you talking among yourselves.
The teacher asked his students that were talking among themselves. (Answer)
The teacher asked his students why they were talking among themselves.


18. He said to his servant, |Wht are you so lazy today?|

He asked his servant why he had been so lazy that day. (Answer)
He asked his servant why was he so lazy that day.
He asked his servant why he was being so lazy that day
He asked his servant why he was being so lazy that day.


19. He said, |May God grant peace to the departed soul!|

He prayed that might God grant peace to the departed soul
He wished by God to grant peace to the departed soul
He wished that God may grant peace to the departed soul
He prayed that God would grant peace to the departed soul (Answer)


20. He said, |I must go next week.'

He said that he was to go the following week
He said that he must go next week
He said that he would have to go the following week (Answer)
He said that he must go the following week

Direct and indirect speech Reported speech sentences. All of the solved mcqs for students. If you need any type of MCQs english vocabulary indirect speech for tests preparations. All direct object for all of the students. if you need any other tests and indirect object or direct indirect examples you can learn here.