Earn Money Online From Fiverr In Pakistan Freelancing Work

Earn Money Online From Fiverr In Pakistan Freelancing Work

Don't just dream do it. Fiverr

Fiverr is  great source for you to earn money online with a very good income per month. It is totally is an easy source to double or to do a side work to earn a huge sum of money.
People from different countries and different skill set make gig on Fiverr to make a huge sum of money from Fiverr in Pakistan. To earn money from fiverr fo step by step with me.
In This post in am also going to tell you the Search engine optimization of Fiverr. I am creating a post that will give you the insight of how to earn a lot of money from Fiverr.

Step by step Guide to earn a lot of money from Fiverr:

Step 1. 
The first step is to to have any skill that you have to provide your service to the people. People pay you money when you do thing for them that is either too difficult for them to do or you take less money then the other. People who come on Fiverr have one sole objective and that is “to get thing done” yes, to get thing done means to do a piece of work at less cost and with good requirements. So, the first step is to learn any skill that you can do on computer or with a camera.
Here are the list of skills that are currently a very high demand on Fiverr.

                                                1 .      Digital Marketing
                                                2.      Logo designing
                                                3.       Animation video making
                                                4.      Cards design
                                                5.      Video editing
                                                6.      Video transaction
                                                7.      Online Lessons
                                                8.      Programming
                                                9.      Voice over
                                                10.  Data Mining

These 10 Areas are at very high demand but they have a high level of competition. Now I left with one and that is “Article writing”.
Article writing is also a good niche for Fiverr, and at the same time it is an ever green niche too, because with passing time, articles are published and published and new problem have been solving through article writing. So, to earn a huge income from Fiverr you need to master a skill that is in demand, you may reach $1k per month with Fiverr.

Step 2: Once you have a proper set of skills then the next hard work you have to do is to make an account on Fiverr, and make a gig. Here are some tips to make a gig look interesting:

                                            1.      Add Good quality pictures
                                            2.      Add Video too related to your gig.
                                            3.      Write interesting description
                                            4.      Explain what you offer in your gig in just one sentence.

Step 3
So, the next thing you have to do is to wait for talking to buyers.
Here are some tips And Facts that will help you to be a good freelancer
                                            1.      Never ever misbehave with buyers
                                            2.      Never add links to the description
                                            3.      Never ever talk too much in personnel with buyer
                                            4.      Be professional
                                            5.      Do everything on Fiverr, don’t give him/her you contact number.
                                           6.       Some people will get things done from you and will never pay you. This is the fruit of the game.

So, in this article I write about how to earn a lot of money from Fiverr and at the same time give you some golden tips about freelancing life that I learn. All these points that I mentioned are my own learned things from Fiverr, you may contradict me.
So, if you still have any question ask it in comment section.