8th Class PEC English Solved Model Paper Annual Examination

8th Class PEC English Solved Model Paper Annual Examination
ENGLISH PART – A (Objective Type)
Part-A = 48 Marks, Part-B = 52 Marks, Total = 100 Marks

Instructions:-Thirty two (32) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are given in this part.
Each question carries 1.5 marks.
Q. No.1.  The group of Abstract Nouns among the following is:
a) painting, creativity      b) courage, pride
c) mirror, door        d) freedom, phone
Q. No.2.  You need a book which may help you in seeing word meaning. You will ask the book
seller “Can I have a ________________, please?
a)  magazine        b) newspaper
c) dictionary        d) recipe book
Q. No.3.  The phrase we can use as a general way of introducing a request for help is:
a) I can manage my work. Thank you!  b) Help others if you want to help yourself.
c) I can help you.        d) Can I ask a favour?
Q. No.4.   How many syllables are there in the word “fountain”?
a) 2      b) 3      c) 4      d) 5
Q. No.5.   Don’t touch that electric wire. You may hurt______________.   
a) you            b) yourself
c) yours           d) yourselfs
Q. No.6.   The word “himself” is:
a)  Noun    b) Verb    c) Adjective     d) Pronoun
Q. No.7.  He has been reading ___________ useful book.
a) a    b) an        c) the      d) any
Q. No.8.  He had already________________ his English lesson.
a)  learn    b) learns     c) learning    d) learnt
Q. No.9.  The word “extremely” is:
a) Adverb    b) Conjunction  c) Adjective    d) Pronoun
Q. No.10.  The teacher convinced his students to __________________hard.
a) tried      b) try     c) tries    d) trying
Q. No.11.  The adjective of verb “ amazed” is:
a) amaze            b) amazing
c) amazement          d) amazingly
Q. No.12.  The piece of paper flew____________________.
a) in the air          b) by the house
c) in the chair          d) for Tuesday
Q. No.13.   “Book” is:
a)  Verb     b) Noun      c) Adjective    d) Adverb
Q. No.14.  The sentence with correct capitalization is:
a)  Hello! this is Imran nasir.    b) Hello! This is Imran Nasir.
c) hello! This is imran nasir.      d) Hello! This is imran Nasir.
Q. No.15.  Fill in the blank with correct punctuation mark.
Hurrah __________ we have won the match.
a) :     b) ;       c)  !      d) “ ”
Q. No.16.  The word “helpful” is:
a)  Adjective   b) Adverb       c) Noun     d) Preposition
Q. No.17.   Ali paid the bill.
The passive voice of the above sentence is:
a)  The bill has been paid by Ali    b) The bill had been paid by Ali.
c) The bill was paid by Ali.      d) The bill is being paid by Ali.
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Q. No.18.  Aslam said to me, “I am a doctor.”
The indirect form of given sentence is:
a)  Aslam told me that I am a doctor.  b) Aslam told me that I was a doctor. 
c)  Aslam told that I am a doctor.  d) Aslam told me that he was a doctor.

Read the passage carefully and answer the Q. No. 19, 20, 21, and 22.
Tolerance means to bear pain or  hardships with patience. It also means to bear things you do not like. Our
Holy Prophet (ﷺ) is a model of tolerance. He never wished ill for anyone. Hazrat Ayesha  ( ر الله یض اھنع ) said
the Holy Prophet (ﷺ) never took revenge upon anyone. In his last address, The Holy Prophet (ﷺ) said,
“Revenge for bloodshed, (as was the custom in  the days of ignorance) is  forbidden. I forgive those who
murdered my cousin Ibn e Rabiah.”On another occasion, Hazrat Ans Bin Malik (ہنع ہللا یضر) said, “I served The
Holy Prophet  (ﷺ)  for ten years. By God, he  (ﷺ)  never  objected to anything I said  or did.” We, as
Muslims should follow the noble examples of the tolerance of our Holy Prophet (ﷺ).
Q. No.19.  What is the topic sentence of the passage?
a)  I (ﷺ) forgive those who murdered my cousin Ibn e Rabiah.
b) Hazarat Ans Bin Malik (ہنع ہللا یضر) served the Holy Prophet (ﷺ) for ten years.
c)  Revenge for bloodshed is forbidden.
d) The Holy Prophet (ﷺ) said, Revenge for bloodshed is forbidden.
Q. No.20.  Which sentence presents an example of forgiveness from the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
a)  Revenge for bloodshed is forbidden.
b) I (ﷺ) forgive those who murdered my cousin. `
c)  I served the Holy Prophet (ﷺ) for ten years.
d) He (ﷺ) never objected to anything I said or did.
Q. No.21.  Tolerance creates:
a)  revenge     b) bloodshed    c) custom d) peace
Q. No.22.  Following the example of the passage how should one treat one’s servant?
a)  Forgivingly    b) Badly    c) Harshly    d) Strictly

Read the passage carefully and answer the Q. No. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28.
Dengue fever also known as break bone fever, is an infectious tropical
disease caused by the dengue virus.  Dengue is spread through  the bite of
the female mosquito.  It prefers to breed in clean, stagnant water easily
found in our homes.  The mosquito becomes infected when it takes the blood
of a person infected with the virus. After about one week, the mosquito can
then transmit the virus by biting a healthy person. Symptoms include fever,
headache, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash that  is
similar to measles. A person can prevent himself from dengue by  using mosquito repellents, even indoors
wearing full clothes and not  letting  water stay in open containers like tires, flower pots, flower buds, water
[Grade-8, English, Part-A]    Page 4 of 4
tanks etc.  The Government of Punjab  has taken significant measures in this regard. Teams have been
organized for the purpose of cleaning, spraying and fogging. Countless seminars have been held in schools
and colleges and there has been a major drive to educate the public on how to prevent dengue fever.
Q. No.23.  The  Dengue infection spreads through:
a) House Fly        b) Honey Bee
c) Mosquito  bite      d) Mosquito repellent
Q. No.24.  The word “transmit” means:
a) spread      b) hold    c) organize    d) clean
Q. No.25.  The Dengue virus gets ready to be transferred  to a healthy person in:
a) a day      b) a month      c) a week    d) a year
Q. No.26.  Dengue virus can happen due to:
a) still clean water in surrounding    b) keeping our surroundings dry
c) using mosquito repellents      d) wearing full sleeves shirts and pants
Q. No.27.   Which is NOT the symptom of dengue fever?
a) Fever             b) Joint pains
c) Skin rash          d) Excessive sleep
Q. No.28.  The title of the passage is:
a) Dengue, symptoms and prevention
b) Mosquitos of tropical area
c) Clean water in the house  
d) Fever and joint pains
Read the stanza carefully and answer the Q. No. 29, 30, 31and 32.
‘Show me the straight way
The wayOf those
To whom You have
Given Your grace
Not of those
Who earn Your anger
Not of those
Who go astray.’
Q. No.29.  The stanza is about:
a) preaching virtue   b) preaching manners
c) praising  God   d) praying to God
Q. No.30.  The poet wants to follow the way of:
a)  the blessed ones   b)  those who go astray
c) proud people   d) the rich men
Q. No.31.   The word “astray” means:
a)  anger     b)  way   c) wrong  d) greeting
Q. No.32.  In the poem,“ those who earn Your anger” are the people who:
a) obey God     b)  disobey God 
c) respect others    d) help the poor 
1.    B  9.  A  17.  C  25.  C
2.    C  10.  B  18.  D  26.  A
3.    D  11.  B  19.  D  27.  D
4.    A  12.  A  20.  B  28.  A
5.    B  13.  B  21.  D  29.  D
6.    D  14.  B  22  A  30.  A
7.    A  15.  C  23.  C    31.  C
8.    D  16.  A  24.  A  32.  B

Grade-8, English, Part-B

Q. No.33.  Remember / Imagine one of your teacher asks you to bring something to show the class.
Write a paragraph  of  10  sentences about  ‘The  amazing thing  I have”.  Use correct
punctuation, grammar and spelling.              Marks  (10)
Following hints may give you some ideas but you are free to use your own ideas.
  • Describe the thing;
  • Write about some of its advantages;
  • Provide an explanation why you like it.

Q. No.34.   Recently you  collected money  to help someone  (for  charity).  Write a letter about
this event to your friend. Use correct punctuation, grammar and spelling.
Marks (5)
Following hints may give you some ideas but you are free to use your own ideas.
  •   Why you chose to help someone?
  •   How did you plan the event?
  •   Was the event successful?

Q. No.35.  Parents  are our  first and  most important teachers.  Narrate  an incident from your
parents’ life  which gave you  a valuable  lesson.  Write a suitable  moral  for your
writing. Use correct punctuation, grammar and spelling.      Marks (10)

Q. No.36.    Read the following paragraph and answer the Q. No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.  Marks (10)
There was a big tree more than hundred years old located in
the middle of a dry land. It gave shelter to hundreds and
thousands of travellers   with its big branches. One day, two
travellers were travelling from a distant place to reach  the
town. The sun was too hot and they could not walk anymore
due to heat. They were completely exhausted .  Fortunately,
they reached the place where the tree was  located. They were
very happy to see such a big tree with breezing wind. They
decided to take rest under the tree en joying the soothing cool breeze.
When  they got up  they  felt hungry.  One of the travellers decided to climb the branches to see whether
the tree has any fruit.  Since it was not a fruit-bearing tree, the traveller was disappointed.  He started
cursing the tree due to his hunger. “Oh! This is just a useless tree and it has nothing to  feed us.” The
tree, which could not tolerate the cursing words of the traveller, in a sad yet strong voice  said, “You
can’t be so ungrateful to me. If I’m not here when you were very tired you would have died now . I
saved your life from the hot sun, but you humilia te me!”  The traveller realized his mistake and
apologized to the tree.
Q. No.1.  Where was the tree situated?              Mark (1)
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Q. No.2.  What was the tree providing to the travellers?          Marks (2)
Q. No.3.  Why was the traveller cursing the tree?             Marks (2)
Q. No.4.  How did the tree react to the cursing of the traveller?        Marks (2)
Q. No.5.  Write a suitable title for the passage.            Marks (3)

Q. No.37.  Part (a) “Road accidents are increasing rapidly every day.” Write a dialogue of 20
line  between two friends discussing about the reasons and solution of this problem.
Use correct punctuation, grammar and spelling.        Marks (10)

Part (b).  Read the passage given below and:            Total Marks (7)
1.  create a title for the passage related to the main idea.      Marks (2)
2.  accurately summarize 1/3rd
of the given text.        Marks (5)
Instructions:  Your summary must describe all  the  key ideas from the  passage. Do  NOT  include
opinions or personal information in your summary.
“Time once gone is gone forever". This sentence tells the true value of time. Time gives only one
chance. We have to put all effort and intelligence to make  best use of it. Time is really a wonderful
thing. It has no beginning and no ending. All things are  born in time, grow in time and then die in
time. Time moves at its own pace. It cannot be controlled. It does not wait for kings or princes and has
no pity for beggars. It does not care for anybody. Most of us think about passing time. We have made
clocks and watches to guess its flow. But let me say we cannot divide it or measure it. People say time
is money. But I am saying that it is more precious than money. Money lost can be recovered, but not
the time lost. A moment lost is lost for ever. Time is ever changing. Change is the law of nature.
Nothing is independent of change or time. Man’s life is very short but the load of work is much large
and difficult. There is so much to do in one's life. Therefore, we should not waste even a single minute.
Every breath, every second should be used properly and meaningfully.