Pedagogy Educators MCQs Quiz Test 4

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Pedagogy MCQs With Answers For Entry Tests

1. Non-development budget induces.?
A. Salaries
B. Running Expenditures
C. Maintenance of Building
D. All of above


2. The name of Yashpal Committee Report (1993) is?
A. l.C.T. in Teacher education
B. Learning without Burden
C. Learning through Broad-casting
D. None of the above


3. As a teacher, what will you do if students do not attend your class?
A. Blame students for their absence from the class
B. Ponder over the present attitude of students in a calm manner
C. Think about using some interesting techniques of teaching
D. Try to understand the reasons (for this behavior) and try to eliminate them

4. At authoritarian level teaching?
A. Teacher centered
B. Child-centered
C. Headmaster centered
D. Experience based


5. A college teacher will really help the students when she
A. Covers the syllabus completely in the class
B. Is objective in her evaluation?
C. Encourages students to ask questions
D. Dictates notes in the class


6. Emotional Adjustment of students is effective in?
A. Personality formation
B. Class-teaching
C. Discipline
D. All of the above


7. Spare the rod ------------- spoil the child. This assumption is related to that type of discipline which has been advocated?
A. By naturalist philosophy
B. By pragmatist philosophy
C. In Victorian Era
D. In Democratic Era


8. Which of the following steps would you consider first for an effective

A. Select the channel of communication
B. Plan the evaluation procedure
C. Specify the objectives of communication
D. Identify various media for communication


9. Which of the following is related with teaching skill?
A. Black-board writing
B. Solving questions
C. Asking questions
D. All the above


10. The objective of education is to implement all the abilities o1children to theMaximum possible extent. This indicates that
A. they should be given good opportunities and a conducive environment, which are helpful in their development to the maximum extent.
B. it is important that their character is helpful, persuasive and sympathetic
C. the teacher and parents should know how able the children are, or how much capable they are
D. All of these


11. The lecture will be communicated more effectively if teachers read the prepared notes
A. prepares good notes in advance and use them as their guides
B. engage students in immediate discussions
C. quote examples from other teaching sessions/lectures and engage students in
D. immediate discussions


12. The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactics was/?
A. Jean Piaget
B. John Dewey
C. Martin Wagenschein
D. Lev Vygotsky


13. Good teaching is best reflected by
A. Attendance of students
B. Number of distinctions
C. Meaningful questions asked by students
D. Pin-drop silence in the class


14. Who developed the interaction analysis category system in  education for increasing the teacher effectiveness?
A. Flander
B. Rayon
C. Amidon and Simon
D. Richard Over


15. In 1854, which philosopher set up laboratory to measure human characteristics.?
A. D.J. O'Connor
B. John Dewey
C. Galton
D. Woodworth


16. The first Binet-Simon test appeared with revisions in 1908 and.?
A. 1911
B. 1912
C. 1913
D. 1914


17. At the time of partition in 1947, there were -------------- universities in working.?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3


18. Instruction medium affects the absence and escape from class teaching?
A. Agreed
B. Indefinite
C. Disagreed
D. None of the above


19. Which is the most sensible idea about teaching and research?
A. They cannot go together
B. They are two sides of the same coin
C. They interfere with each other
D. They are two entirely different kinds of activities


20. Which Is Not The Mode Of CAI?
A. Tutorial Mode
B. Drill Mode
C. Simulation Mode
D. Question Mode