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Solved MCQs of Entry Test Past Papers
1. Russia attack on afganistan: 1979
2. Fall of dhaka took place: 1971
3. Founding member ECO: Pakistan,Iran,Turkey
4. Who won FIFA cup final in 2014 ? GERMANY
5. The last series that Pakistan cricket team played with ? SRI LANKA
6. 2015 ICC cricket world cup was hosted by ? Aus and New Zealand
7. Land locked country ? Mongolia
8. Arecent conference that took place in Sri lanka ? Common wealth Conference 2013
9. Prisedent of France............ francios Holand
10. Mangla dam ............ Punjab
11. China joined WTO in ? Dec 2001
12. Atom has charge: Neutral
13. Capital of Nepal is: katmando
14. Babri masjid accident was happend in: 1992
15. Australia Capital ? Canbera
16. Which is land locked country ? Nepal
17. Montague Chelms for dreforms ? 1919
18. P.M of Iraq ? Haider alabidi
19. Evolution means ? Continuous
20 Hormuzlies between ? Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf