CSS Solved Compulsory Past Papers MCQs

Most important MCQs of English Grammar and others important subjects from the past papers.

CSS-2015 Solved Compulsory Papers (Objective Part)
English Précis & Composition
Q1 (a) Synonyms
(a)    Expensive    (b)    Common
(c)    Clerical    
(d)    Glaring
(a)    Important    (b)    Historical
(c)    Impending    (d)    Inopportune
(a)    Tedious     (b)    Illogical
(c)    Aggressive     
(d)    Shrewd
(a)    Eager    (b)    Reluctant
©    Willing
(d)    Unresponsive
(a)    Offering     
(b)    Prediction
(c)    Warning     (d)    Advance
(a)    Sharp     (b)    Disagreeable
(c)    Smoky    (d)    Anesthetizing
(a)    Trustee     (b)    Assistant
(c)    Notary     (d)    ttorney
(a)    Spending     (b)    Exaggerating
(c)    Wandering     
(d)    None
(a)    Precious     (b)    Tender
(c)    Intense     
(d)    Sorrowful
(a)    Conditional     (b)    Questionable
(c)    Argued     (d)    Rejected
Q1 (b) – Antonyms
(a)    Novice     (b)    Pious
(c)    Intellectual     (d)    Debutante
(a)    Trivial     (b)    Clear
(c)    Turning     (d)    Wavy
(a)    Erratic     
(b)    Prevailing
(c)    Difficult    (d)    Enticing
(a)    Sober     (b)    Mute
(c)    Revenue     
(d)    Spendthrift
(a)    Foolish    (b)    Inept
(c)    Infer     
(d)    Dexterous
(a)    Disparaged     (b)    Applaud
(c)    Settle     (d)    Hesitate
(a)    Bravely     (b)    Poor
(c)    Master     (d)    Ignorant
(a)    Censure     (b)    Tickle
(c)    Acclaim    (d)    Skip
(a)    Lucid     (b) Extraordinary
(c)    Dirty     (d)    Muddle
(a)    Omit     (b)    Destroy
©    Mistake     (d)    Nourish
(i)    Itching palm
A desire for money; greed; avarice
Whenever he sees expensive luggage, the hotel doorman gets an itching palm.
(ii)    The primrose path
An easy and pleasant life; a self-indulgent or hedonistic life
Unaware of his doom, he continued down his primrose path.
(iii)    Break one’s fall
Interrupt a tumble or descent
It’s a long way down over this cliff, with nothing to break your fall.
(iv)    Wash one’s hands of
Disclaim responsibility for
The Prime Minister cannot wash hands of the petrol scam.
(v)    To become reconcile to
to accept or be resigned to something not desired
Asad became reconciled to his fate.
(vi)    To militate against
be a powerful or conclusive factor in preventing
These fundamental differences will militate against the two communities coming together
(vii)    To be cognizant of Having knowledge or awareness
Statesmen must be cognizant of the political boundaries within which they work
(viii)  Wages of sin
The results or consequences of evildoing
Disasters are the wages of sin.
(b)    Explain the difference between the following word pairs by defining each word:
(i). (a). Plaintive
Sad, sorrowful, and mournful
It’s the plaintive plea that immediately touches hearts
(b).    Plaintiff
Claimant, complainant
In this action, Plaintiff challenged the denial of his application for a permit to possess a pistol
(ii). (a). Valet
personal attendant, gentleman’s gentleman, (also batman)
Never relinquish clothing to a hotel valet without first specifically telling him that you want it.
(b).    Varlet
A dishonest or unprincipled man; rascal
What varlet hath done such a blight upon our fair Empire?
(iii). (a) Monitor
follow, watch, observe, supervise
The police monitor the suspect’s moves.
(b) Mentor
guide, teacher, adviser, guru
They have both a counsellor service and mentors for students that need them.
(iv). (a) Complacent
smug, contented, serene
We cannot afford to be complacent about our health.
(b) Complaisant
obliging, amiable, compliant, solicitous
The tone and pitch too need to be complaisant to avoid any dispute.
(v). (a) Penitence
repentance, remorse, contrition
She hung her head in mock penitence.
(b) Penance
atonement, punishment, expiation
She chose to do penance for lying to her mother.
(vi). (a). Crevice
gap, crack, fracture, cleft, fissure
The sun penetrates the cave through openings and crevices.
(b) . Crevasse
A deep open crack, especially one in a glacier; crack, abyss, chasm
A glaciologist said the crevasses could be wide open, waiting to swallow the unwary.
(vii) (a). Beneficent
charitable, benevolent, bountiful
What if a beneficent employer gives his employees some paid time off.
(b). Beneficial
favourable, helpful, advantageous
Vitamins are beneficial to health.
Pakistan Affairs
1.    Mohenjo Daro and Harappa were discovered in:
(a)    1909     (b)    1921
(c)    1922     (d)    None of these
2.    Hujjatullah-il-Baligha was written by:
(a)    Shah Waliullah
(b)    Syed Ahmed Barelvi
(c)    Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(d)    None of these
3.    Barhamo Samraj was founded by
(a)    Mahatma Gandhi
(b)    Ram Mohan Roy
(c)    Sardar Patel    (d)    None of these
4.    First President of Indian National Congress was:
(a)    A O. Hume     
(b)    W. C Benerjee
(c)    Jawaharlal Nehru
(d)    None of these
5.    First census in India was made in the period of:
(a)    Lord Curzon    (b)    Lord Canning
(c)    Lord Mayo     (d)    None of these
6.    “The Life of Mohammad” was a book written by:
(a)    Syed Ahmed Shaheed
(b)    Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(c)    William Muir        
(d)    None of these
7.    Sindh was separated from Bombay in:
(a)    1935     (b)    1945
(c)    1947     
(d)    None of these
8.    Darul Uloom Deoband was founded by:
(a)    Maulana Mehmood Hassan
(b)    Syed Ahmed Nanatovi
(c)    Muhammad Qasim Nanotvi
(d)    None of these
9.    The Viceroy of India in 1919 was:
(a)    Lord Chelmsford    
(b)    Lord Minto
(c)    Lord Montague
(d)    None of these
10.    The first Secretary of Khilafat Committee was:
(a)    Mohammad Ali Jouhar
(b)    Moulana Shaukat Ali
(c)    Moulana Hasrat Mohani
(d)    None of these
11.    The first Foreign Minister of Pakistan was:
(a)    Sir Zafrullah Khan
(b)    Khawja Nazimuddin
(c)    Gulam Mohammad
(d)    None of these
12.    Who was convicted in Rawalpindi Conspiracy case?
(a)    Faiz Ahmad Faiz     
(b)    Habib Jalib
(c)    Shorish Kashmiri
(d)    None of these
13.    Pakistan purchased Gawadar from:
(a)    Oman    (b)    UAE
(c)    Iran     (d)    None of these
14.    The largest Agency in the Northern Area of Pakistan is:
(a)    South Waziristan    
(b)    Khyber Agency
(c)    Mohmand Agency
(d)    None of these
15.    Militants attacked Quaid-e-Azam Residency in:
(a)    Ziarat     (b)    Karachi
(c)    Quetta     (d)    None of these
16.    General Election of 2013 was held on:
(a)    May 10     
(b)    May 11
(c)    May 12     (d)    None of these
17.    The politician who served as both Governor General and Prime Minister was:
(a)    Sir Zafrullah Khan
(b)    Khawaja Nazimuddin
(c)    Ghulam Mohammad
(d)    None of these
18.    The British Parliament announced the Independence Act on:
(a)    14 July 1947 (b)    15 July 1947
(c)    16 July 1947 
(d)    None of these
19.    India cut off the flow of canal waters to West Punjab for first time on:
(a)    1st April 1948     
(b)    1st May 1948
(c)    1st April 1949
(d)    None of these
20.    Kashmir was sold to Gulab Singh in:
(a)    1845     (b)    1865
(c)    1890     
(d)    None of these
1.    What is the literal meaning of Wahi?
(a)    Knowledge through Senses
(b)    Descending of Angels
(c)    Veiled indication
(d)    Conversation
2.    Who was the Companion (RA) who compiled the Holy Quran during the reign of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)?
(a)    Zayd ibn Harithah
(b)    Zayd ibn Thabit    
(c)    Hassan ibn Thabit
(d)    None of these
3.    Which Surah is called ‘Ghafir’?
(a)    Surah Muminun
(b)    Surah Momin
(c)    Surah Ha Mim As Sajdah
(d)    Surah Mulk
4.    What is Sahihain?
(a)    Six Companions (RA)
(b)    Four Companions (RA)
(c)    Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim
(d)    Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim
5.    When Salatul Istisqa is offered?
(a)    At solar eclipse
(b)    At lunar eclipse
(c)    For rain    
(d)    To fulfil a need
6.    Where is Masjid-e-Nimra located?
(a)    Mina    (b)    Muzdalifah
(c)     Arafat    (d)    None of these
7.    Where is the Hajj Sermon delivered?
(a)    Masjid al-Haram
(b)    Al-Mash’ar al-Haram
(c)    Plain of Arafat
(d)    None of these
8.    Which is the last Ghazwa in which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) participated?
(a)    Ghazwa-e-Hunain
(b)    Ghazwa-e-Tabook
(c)    Ghazwa-e-Khandaq
(d)    None of these
9.    Wud, Sua, Yaghoos, Yau’q, Nasr were the names of:
(a)    Idols    (b)    Angels
(c)    Camels    (d)    Horses
10.    What are the four sacred months in Hijri Calendar?
(a)    Rajab, Shaban, Shawwal, Zul-Qaadah
(b)    Shaban, Shawwal, Zul-Hijjah, Muharram
(c) Muharram, Rajab, Rabi-Al-Awwal, Jumada-Al-Awwal
(d)    Zul-Qaadah, Zul-Hijjah, Muharram, Rajab
11.    What is Hadith-e-Taqriri?
(a)    Conversation with the people
(b)    Words uttered by the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
(c) Something done before the Prophet (PBUH), on which he remained silent
(d)    None of these
12.    “Fal Yabodu” means:
(a)    They worshipped
(b)    You all worshipped
(c)    Veiled indication
(d)    All those women worshipped
13.    “Fi Jeediha” means
(a)    Rope around neck
(b)    Rope around her neck
(c)    Rope around his neck
(d)    None of these
14.    The title of which Prophet (AS) is “Jadd-ul-Anbiya”?
(a)    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
(b)    Prophet Adam (AS)
(c)    Prophet Abraham (AS)
(d)    Prophet Moses (AS)
15.    “Aminul Ummah” is the title of which Companion (RA)?
(a)    Abu Ubaidah bin al Jarrah (RA)
(b)    Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (AS)
(c)    Ali Al Murtaza (AS)
(d)    Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (RA)
16.    What is the literal meaning of “Annaffathat”?
(a)    Men who blow in knots
(b)    Women sorcerers
(c)    Women who blow in knots
(d)    None of these
17.    Where the Banu Thaqif tribe was inhabited?
(a)    Makkah     (b)    Medina
(c)    Taif    (d)    Tabook
18. During whose reign was the Battle of Yamama fought and against whom?
(a)    Hazrat Abu Bakr’s (RA) reign, against the Apostates
(b)    Hazrat Ali’s (RA) reign, against Khawarij
(c)    Hazrat Uthman’s (RA) reign, against the Persians
(d)    Hazrat Umar Farooq’s (RA) reign, against the Romans
19.    All of the prophet’s (PBUH) progeny, except one son, was with which wife?
(a)    Hazrat Khadija (RA)    
(b)    Hazrat Aisha (RA)
(c)    Hazrat Maymunah (RA)
(d)    Hazrat Zaynab (RA)

20.    Which holy book was revealed on Prophet Jesus (AS)?
(a)    Torah    (b)    Zubur
(c)    Bible    (d)    Quran