Here are most important mcqs of past papers Islamiat or Islamic studies for entry test you have to need to prepared your test preparation with these important MCQs. All the MCQs answered are here and you can solve these mcqs easily and easily can learn these important Islamic Studies entery test mcqs.
1. On Judgement Day, what will be asked first?
Answer. Namaz
2. How many times word Zakat is used in Makki Surahs?
Answer. 22 times
3. What is the rate of usher for canal irrigated Zameen?
Answer. 5 per cent or 1/5
4. Who are not entitled to get Zakat?
Answer. Parents, Husband, wife and children
5. What is the 4th Rukn (pillar) of Islam?
Answer. Roza (fasting)
6. How many Arkan Roza has?
Three, to restrict eating, drinking and sexual intercourse
7. What are the objectives of Roza?
Answer. Taqwa, Zabti-Nafas, Shukar
8. What we say to 1st Ashra of Ramzan?
Answer. Rehamt-ka-Ashrah
9. What we say to 2nd Ashrah of Ramzan?
10. What we say to 3rd Ashrah of Ramzan?
Answer. To get rid of Hell’s fire
11. From which Prophet’s age Hajj was started?
Answer. Hazrat Ibrahim
12. Describe the Arkans of Hajj
Answer. There are two Rukns, Stay at Arafat and Tawaf-e-Kabba
13. What is meant by Tawaf?
Answer. To take seven rounds around Khana Kabba.
14. What to read while entering Haram Sharif during Hajj in Ahram?
Answer. Talbia (Talibiyah)
15. Which stone of Kabba wall is kissed?
Answer. Hajjar-e-Aswad
16. What is named to run between Safa and Marwa?
Answer. Sayee
17. What is said to throw stones at three spots?
Answer. Rami
18. What is Yum-ul-Tarvia and what is done on that day?
Answer. 8 Zil-Hajj, Stay at Mina
19. What is meant by Yaum-e-Arafat and what is done on that day?
Answer. 9 Zil Hajj, Stay at Arafat before Maghrib
20. What is meant by Tawaf-e-Qadoom?
Answer. First Tawaf on presence at Kabba
21. What is Tawaf-e-Zayarat?
Answer. To offer Tawaf between 10 to 12 Zil-Hajj
22. What is meant by Tawaf-e-Wadah?
Answer. Last Tawaf before leaving home
23. What is meant by Yum-ul-Nehr?
Answer. To offer sacrifice of goats on 10 Zil-Hajj after throwing stones at Mina.
24. How many rounds are paid between Safa and Marwa?
Answer. Seven
25. In which dress Hajj is offered?
Answer. Ahram
26. What is Miqat?
Answer. Where Ahram has to put on. (A pilgrim must put Ahram before reaching a point called Miqat)
27. What is meant by Shoot?
Answer. One round around Khana Kabba.
28. Who was the Ameer-ul-Hujaj on 9th Hijri?
Answer. Hazrat Abu Baker Siddique
29. How many Sahaba were along with Muhammad (PBUH) during Hajj?
Answer. More than one Lac or (1, 24,000)
30. How many camels were scarified by Muhammad (PBUH) on that Hajj?
Answer. 100 camels
31. How many camels were sacrificed by Muhammad (PBUH) with his own hands?
Answer. 63 camels and the remainder by Hazrat Ali (R.A)
32. What is the difference between Haj and Umra?
Answer. Hajj is offered between 7 to 13 Zil-Haj whereas Umra can be performed any time.
33. What is meant by Mabrood?
Answer. That Hajj which is performed to obtain the goodwill of Allah
34. What is the distinctive mark of a Muslim colony?
Answer. Mosque
35. Which is the oldest mosque on the Earth?
Answer. Kabba
36. Who is the oldest mosque builder?
Answer. Hazrat Adam (A.S)
37. Which mosque was built first of all in Islam?
Answer. Quba.
38. Who laid the foundations of Quba?
Answer. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
39. Where Prophet (PBUH) did hold his court?
Answer. Masjid-e-Nabvi
40. Where was established the first Muslim University?
Answer. Masjid-e-Nabvi
41. The Prophet (PBUH) himself laboured for a mosque. what’s its name?
Answer. Quba
42. How many mosques are discussed in the holy Quran?
Answer. 4
43. The Prophet (PBUH) used to go to a particular mosque on every 17th of Ramzan. What’s the name of that mosque?
Answer. Quba
44. When was the construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi started?
Answer. 1 A.H
45. How many doors are of Masjid-e-Haram?
Answer. 25
46. The Prophet (PBUH) prayed several times for victory in the war of ditch. Name the Mosque?
Answer. Masjid Fatah
70. Literally the word “Islam” means
Answer. Submission to Allah
71. Which religion is the favourite of Allah according to the Holy Quran?
72. Which two Prophets prayed to Allah to become the “Ummati” of the last Prophet (PBUH) and whose prayer was granted?
Answer. Hazrat Isa (A.S) and Hazrat Musa (A.S)….Hazrat Isa (A.S)'s Prayer was granted
73. Religion of Hazrat Adam (A.S) was
Answer. Islam
74. Fundamentals of Islam are
Answer. Five
75. What is the name of 1st Kalima?
Answer. Kalima Tayyaba
76. Kalima Shahadat is the Kalima number
Answer. 2nd
77. Kalima Tamjeed id the Kalima number
Answer. 3rd
78. Kalima Tauheed is the Kalima number
Answer. 4th
79. Kalima-e-Astaghfaar is the Kalima number
Answer. 5th
80. Kalima Rad-e-Kufr is the Kalima number
Answer. 6th
81. Number of types of faith is…….
Answer. Two (2)
82. What is the meaning of the word Allah?
Answer. Only being worth worship
83. Who is above any sort of limitations?
Answer. Allah
84. The word Tauheed stands for……..
Ahad, Wahid, Wahadaniat
85. The concept of Tauheed has been given by………
Hazrat Jibrael (A.S)
86. What is Tauheed?
Answer. Oneness of Allah
87. Which word is opposite to Tauheed?
Answer. Shirk
88. The Holy Quran considers………… an unpardonable sin.
Answer. Shirk
89. The Zoroastrians believe in……………….of God.
Answer. Duality
90. All h Prophets emphasized on……..
Answer. Tauheed
91. Christians believe in……………of God.
Answer. Trinity
92. Name the types of Tauheed.
Answer. Tauheed-fi-Zat, Tauheed-fi-Saffat, Tauheed-fi-Afal
93. Name the religion which denies Allah as an unknowable entity?
Answer. Buddhism
94. Which is the first belief of Islam?
Answer. The unity of Allah
95. Which is the second belief of Islam?
Answer. Prophethood
96. The Prophethood is belief in………….the Prophets of Allah.
Answer. All
97. Prophethood has been finished on the Prophet……….
Answer. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
98. What is the meaning of Risalat?
Answer. To send message
99. How Prophethood is attained?
Answer. Bestowed by Allah
100. What is the meaning of Rasool?
Answer. Messenger
101. In which Surah of the Holy Quran the word “Khatimum-Nabiyyeen” is mentioned?
Answer. Al-Ahzab
102. Who is known as Rehmat-ul-Aalameen?
Answer. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
103. What is the meaning of Rehmat-ul-Lil-Aalameen?
Answer. Mercy for all worlds
104. Which is the third belief of Islam?
Answer. Belief in the Angels
105. What is the meaning of Malaika?
Answer. Angels
106. How many the most exalted angels are there?
Answer. Four
107. Who is the greatest angel according to the teachings of Islam?
Answer. Hazrat Jibrael (A.S)
108. The angel is created out of?
Answer. Noor
109. What is the meaning of Noor?
Answer. Divine light
110. Who acts as Allah’s agent?
Answer. Angels
111. By how many angels each human individual is attended permanently?
Answer. Two
112. In which category Iblees lies?
Answer. Jinn
113. Who is referred in the Quran as Rooh-ul-Ameen/Ar-Rooh/Rooh-al-Qudus?
Answer. Hazrat Jibrael (A.S)
114. Who is the in charge of rain?
Answer. Hazrat Mekael (A.S)
115. Who is the in charge of provisions?
Answer. Hazrat Mekael (A.S)
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Islamic Studies MCQs Quiz |
1. On Judgement Day, what will be asked first?
Answer. Namaz
2. How many times word Zakat is used in Makki Surahs?
Answer. 22 times
3. What is the rate of usher for canal irrigated Zameen?
Answer. 5 per cent or 1/5
4. Who are not entitled to get Zakat?
Answer. Parents, Husband, wife and children
5. What is the 4th Rukn (pillar) of Islam?
Answer. Roza (fasting)
6. How many Arkan Roza has?
Three, to restrict eating, drinking and sexual intercourse
7. What are the objectives of Roza?
Answer. Taqwa, Zabti-Nafas, Shukar
8. What we say to 1st Ashra of Ramzan?
Answer. Rehamt-ka-Ashrah
9. What we say to 2nd Ashrah of Ramzan?
10. What we say to 3rd Ashrah of Ramzan?
Answer. To get rid of Hell’s fire
11. From which Prophet’s age Hajj was started?
Answer. Hazrat Ibrahim
12. Describe the Arkans of Hajj
Answer. There are two Rukns, Stay at Arafat and Tawaf-e-Kabba
13. What is meant by Tawaf?
Answer. To take seven rounds around Khana Kabba.
14. What to read while entering Haram Sharif during Hajj in Ahram?
Answer. Talbia (Talibiyah)
15. Which stone of Kabba wall is kissed?
Answer. Hajjar-e-Aswad
16. What is named to run between Safa and Marwa?
Answer. Sayee
17. What is said to throw stones at three spots?
Answer. Rami
18. What is Yum-ul-Tarvia and what is done on that day?
Answer. 8 Zil-Hajj, Stay at Mina
19. What is meant by Yaum-e-Arafat and what is done on that day?
Answer. 9 Zil Hajj, Stay at Arafat before Maghrib
20. What is meant by Tawaf-e-Qadoom?
Answer. First Tawaf on presence at Kabba
21. What is Tawaf-e-Zayarat?
Answer. To offer Tawaf between 10 to 12 Zil-Hajj
22. What is meant by Tawaf-e-Wadah?
Answer. Last Tawaf before leaving home
23. What is meant by Yum-ul-Nehr?
Answer. To offer sacrifice of goats on 10 Zil-Hajj after throwing stones at Mina.
24. How many rounds are paid between Safa and Marwa?
Answer. Seven
25. In which dress Hajj is offered?
Answer. Ahram
26. What is Miqat?
Answer. Where Ahram has to put on. (A pilgrim must put Ahram before reaching a point called Miqat)
27. What is meant by Shoot?
Answer. One round around Khana Kabba.
28. Who was the Ameer-ul-Hujaj on 9th Hijri?
Answer. Hazrat Abu Baker Siddique
29. How many Sahaba were along with Muhammad (PBUH) during Hajj?
Answer. More than one Lac or (1, 24,000)
30. How many camels were scarified by Muhammad (PBUH) on that Hajj?
Answer. 100 camels
31. How many camels were sacrificed by Muhammad (PBUH) with his own hands?
Answer. 63 camels and the remainder by Hazrat Ali (R.A)
32. What is the difference between Haj and Umra?
Answer. Hajj is offered between 7 to 13 Zil-Haj whereas Umra can be performed any time.
33. What is meant by Mabrood?
Answer. That Hajj which is performed to obtain the goodwill of Allah
34. What is the distinctive mark of a Muslim colony?
Answer. Mosque
35. Which is the oldest mosque on the Earth?
Answer. Kabba
36. Who is the oldest mosque builder?
Answer. Hazrat Adam (A.S)
37. Which mosque was built first of all in Islam?
Answer. Quba.
38. Who laid the foundations of Quba?
Answer. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
39. Where Prophet (PBUH) did hold his court?
Answer. Masjid-e-Nabvi
40. Where was established the first Muslim University?
Answer. Masjid-e-Nabvi
41. The Prophet (PBUH) himself laboured for a mosque. what’s its name?
Answer. Quba
42. How many mosques are discussed in the holy Quran?
Answer. 4
43. The Prophet (PBUH) used to go to a particular mosque on every 17th of Ramzan. What’s the name of that mosque?
Answer. Quba
44. When was the construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi started?
Answer. 1 A.H
45. How many doors are of Masjid-e-Haram?
Answer. 25
46. The Prophet (PBUH) prayed several times for victory in the war of ditch. Name the Mosque?
Answer. Masjid Fatah
70. Literally the word “Islam” means
Answer. Submission to Allah
71. Which religion is the favourite of Allah according to the Holy Quran?
72. Which two Prophets prayed to Allah to become the “Ummati” of the last Prophet (PBUH) and whose prayer was granted?
Answer. Hazrat Isa (A.S) and Hazrat Musa (A.S)….Hazrat Isa (A.S)'s Prayer was granted
73. Religion of Hazrat Adam (A.S) was
Answer. Islam
74. Fundamentals of Islam are
Answer. Five
75. What is the name of 1st Kalima?
Answer. Kalima Tayyaba
76. Kalima Shahadat is the Kalima number
Answer. 2nd
77. Kalima Tamjeed id the Kalima number
Answer. 3rd
78. Kalima Tauheed is the Kalima number
Answer. 4th
79. Kalima-e-Astaghfaar is the Kalima number
Answer. 5th
80. Kalima Rad-e-Kufr is the Kalima number
Answer. 6th
81. Number of types of faith is…….
Answer. Two (2)
82. What is the meaning of the word Allah?
Answer. Only being worth worship
83. Who is above any sort of limitations?
Answer. Allah
84. The word Tauheed stands for……..
Ahad, Wahid, Wahadaniat
85. The concept of Tauheed has been given by………
Hazrat Jibrael (A.S)
86. What is Tauheed?
Answer. Oneness of Allah
87. Which word is opposite to Tauheed?
Answer. Shirk
88. The Holy Quran considers………… an unpardonable sin.
Answer. Shirk
89. The Zoroastrians believe in……………….of God.
Answer. Duality
90. All h Prophets emphasized on……..
Answer. Tauheed
91. Christians believe in……………of God.
Answer. Trinity
92. Name the types of Tauheed.
Answer. Tauheed-fi-Zat, Tauheed-fi-Saffat, Tauheed-fi-Afal
93. Name the religion which denies Allah as an unknowable entity?
Answer. Buddhism
94. Which is the first belief of Islam?
Answer. The unity of Allah
95. Which is the second belief of Islam?
Answer. Prophethood
96. The Prophethood is belief in………….the Prophets of Allah.
Answer. All
97. Prophethood has been finished on the Prophet……….
Answer. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
98. What is the meaning of Risalat?
Answer. To send message
99. How Prophethood is attained?
Answer. Bestowed by Allah
100. What is the meaning of Rasool?
Answer. Messenger
101. In which Surah of the Holy Quran the word “Khatimum-Nabiyyeen” is mentioned?
Answer. Al-Ahzab
102. Who is known as Rehmat-ul-Aalameen?
Answer. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
103. What is the meaning of Rehmat-ul-Lil-Aalameen?
Answer. Mercy for all worlds
104. Which is the third belief of Islam?
Answer. Belief in the Angels
105. What is the meaning of Malaika?
Answer. Angels
106. How many the most exalted angels are there?
Answer. Four
107. Who is the greatest angel according to the teachings of Islam?
Answer. Hazrat Jibrael (A.S)
108. The angel is created out of?
Answer. Noor
109. What is the meaning of Noor?
Answer. Divine light
110. Who acts as Allah’s agent?
Answer. Angels
111. By how many angels each human individual is attended permanently?
Answer. Two
112. In which category Iblees lies?
Answer. Jinn
113. Who is referred in the Quran as Rooh-ul-Ameen/Ar-Rooh/Rooh-al-Qudus?
Answer. Hazrat Jibrael (A.S)
114. Who is the in charge of rain?
Answer. Hazrat Mekael (A.S)
115. Who is the in charge of provisions?
Answer. Hazrat Mekael (A.S)