CSS Exam GK Islamiat MCQs Test Preparation Online Quiz 2

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1. What was the total number of idols which were fixed around the Kaaba?

  • 460
  • 560
  • 360
  • 260

2. When Hazrat Umer (RA) embraced Islam?

  • 612 A.D
  • 608 A.D
  • 600 A.D
  • 616 A.D

3. Batha Valley is situated in

  • Makkah
  • Madina
  • Egypt
  • Jordan

4. Name the 8th months of Islamic Calendar

  • Shaban
  • Ramzan
  • Rajab
  • Rabi-ul-Awal

5. Which Sahabi was died in the hands of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the battle of Uhad?

  • None of these
  • Hazrat Haris-bin-Haris
  • Hazrat Haris-bin-Hassan
  • Hazrat Haris-bin-Azima

6. Surah Saba is:

  • Iraqi
  • Makki
  • Madni
  • Makki Madni

7. Zou-Shadation is title of Hazrat:

  • Huzaifa bin Yaman
  • Ahmed bin Hanbal
  • Khuzaima bin Sabit
  • Ammar bin Yasir

8. Hazrat Mo0hammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was born about three thousand years, after?

  • Hazrat Ismaeel (AS)
  • Hazrat Eessaa (AS
  • Hazrat Moosa (AS)
  • Hazrat Ibraheem (AS)

9. The which tribe did Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed (RA) belong?

  • Banu Asad
  • Banu Ummayya
  • Manu Makhzoom
  • Banu Zuhra

10. 9th Zil-Hajja is also called

  • Yaum-e-Mina
  • Yaum-e-Arfat
  • Waqufe-e-Mina
  • Waquf-e-Arafat

11. Name the 1st man who issued regular order to collect and write Ahadis

  • Hazrat Umer bin Khattab
  • Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib
  • Hazrat Umer bin Abdul Aziz
  • Hazrat Usman bin Affan

12. What is Tahleel?

  • Recitation of 3rd Kalima
  • Recitation of 2nd Kalima
  • Recitation of 1st Kalima
  • Recitation of 4th Kalima

13. Which country is known as the “Land of Prophets”?

  • Iraq
  • Palestine
  • Syria
  • Saudi Arabia

14. Name of the son of Hazarat Yaqoob (AS) whose off-springs are the Jews

  • Yousaf (AS)
  • Tibrani
  • Yahooda
  • Ishaq(AS)

15. Mention the religious books of Buddhism:

  • Vinya Pitaka
  • Abhidhaman Pitaka
  • Sutra Pitaka
  • All of these

16. Who suggested name “Ahmed” for the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

  • None of these
  • Hazrat Abdul Mutalib
  • Hazrat Abu Talib
  • Hazrat Abdullah

17. What was the Religious of the majority of the Arabs before Islam?

  • Buddhism
  • Idolatrous
  • Jewish
  • Christianity

18. The duration of third period of the compilation of Hadis is:

  • 171 to 221 A.H
  • 171 to 220 A.H
  • 171 to 223 A.H
  • 171 to 222 A.H

19. Surah Hajj consist of 10 Rukus and _______ Ayats

  • 70
  • 75
  • 78
  • 82

20. Who considered the Quran as the creature of Allah?

  • Kuif
  • Khawarji
  • Shami
  • Mo,atazila
