Solved US History MCQs Tests Questions Answers

Solved US History MCQs Tests Questions Answers
(1) Virgin Island were purchased from:

(a) Spain
(b) Denmark
(c) Portugal

(2) Rhode Island was _________ state to enter original 13 States which joined the Union.

(a) First
(b) Last
(c) Penultimate

(3) Philippine Islands were acquired by US in _________.

(a) 1909
(b) 1799
(c) 1899

(4) Puerto Rico ceded to US by _________.

(a) Spain
(b) Denmark
(c) Russia

(5) John Adams was _________ US President.

(a) Third
(b) Eleventh
(c) Twenty Fifth
(d) None of these

(6) Spain financed Westward voyage of Columbus in _________.

(a) 1492
(b) 1482
(c) 1472

(7) The Albany Congress (1754) was attended by delegates of _________ colonies.

(a) Thirteen
(b) Seven
(c) Eleven

(8) The Boston Massacre took place in _________

(a) 1763
(b) 1770
(c) 1773

(9) Oregon was acquired in _________.

(a) 1812
(b) 1839
(c) 1846

(10) The Gadsen purchase of 50,000 square mile of land was primarily for the construction of _________.

(a) University Town
(b) Railways
(c) Canals

(11) Black birding is _________.

(a) Seven
(b) Eight
(c) Nine

(12) Black birding is _________.

(a) Legal importation of slaves
(b) Illegal importance of slaves
(c) Legal hunt of birds

(13) Congress of US consists of _________.

(a) Senate, House of Lords
(b) Senate and President
(c) House of Representative & President
(d) None of these

(14) Article 1 of US constitution says, “No person can be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of _________ years and _________ years a citizen of the US”:

(a) Twenty Five and 10 years
(b) Thirteen and 07 years
(c) Twenty Five and 07 years

(15) First _________ amendments were passed by the congress on September 25, 1789.

(a) Ten
(b) Fourteen
(c) Four

(16) KKK stands for Ku-Klux Klan

(17) Delaware State is nicknamed _________ state.

(a) Donkey
(b) Dog
(c) Diamond

(18) Era of Good Feeling was during the presidency of _________.

(a) George Washington
(b) James Monroe
(c) Franklin D. Roosevelt

(19) The slogan of ‘Fair Deal’ was given by _________.

(a) President Truman
(b) President Nixon
(c) President Andrew Jackson.

(20) _________ is known as father of the constitution:

(a) George Washington
(b) Samuel Adams
(c) James Madison

(21) Which American president was elected for two non-consecutive terms:

(a) Chester A. Arthur
(b) Benjamin Harrison
(c) Grover Cleveland
(d) Woodrow Wilson

(22) Jimmy Carter was the President of the USA from:

(a) 1969-1974
(b) 1974-1977
(c) 1977-1981
(d) 1981-1989

(23) Give the correct order of the states’ entry into the Union:

(a) Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia
(b) Massachusetts, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland
(c) Maryland, Georgia, New Jersey, Texas
(d) New Hampshire, Virginia, Massachusetts, Georgia

(24) Which joined the Union after Alaska:

(a) Arizona
(b) Oklahoma
(c) Utah
(d) Hawaii

(25) The BAY of PIGS invasion of Cuba happened during the Presidency of:

(a) Dwight D. Eisenhower
(b) Lyndon B. Johnson
(c) Richard Nixon
(d) John F. Kennedy

(26) The Declaration of Independence was formally adopted on:

(a) July 2, 1775
(b) July 4, 1776
(c) August 8, 1777

(27) The constitution of the United States of America was adopted in the period:

(a) 1681-1682
(b) 1764-1765
(c) 1787-1788

(28) In the amendments to the constitution of the USA freedom of religion, speech and the press and right to assembly are protected by:

(a) First Amendment
(b) Second Amendment
(c) Third Amendment
(d) Fifth Amendment

(29) The National security of the USA is a document prepared by the:

(a) Executive Branch
(b) House of Representative
(c) Senate
(d) Brookings institute

(30) “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” is the:

(a) First amendment
(b) Second amendment
(c) Sixth amendment