How to Earn From MindSumo in Pakistan by Solving Problems With Proofs

How to Earn From MindSumo in Pakistan by Solving Problems

MindSumo is a Problem-solving website for big companies including Fortune 500 companies, and the best thing is that you can also earn Hundreds of Dollars with this site if you are creative enough to solve management and product related problems.

MindSumo has a very different system for paying you; they work on the point system.
Each company which has a problems in Product or Management or sales have a total of 1600 points, where

MindSumo Money Earning

1 Point= $0.89

This mean you can earn up to $400 from just one problem solving, that is too big money and company can even hire you with handsome salary.

Step 1: register with MindSumo

Step 2: Solve Problems as fast as you can

Step 3: Submit it

After few days they will notify you about your answer, the better your answer is the better points you will get.

There is top three-answer selection.

If you want to earn from MindSumo then the only thing they may create problem for you is Payment System of MindSumo, they pay you through PayPal, which is a payment system not available in Pakistan but do not worry about this there are many ways to create PayPal account in Pakistan.

Here are few tips to get selection in MindSumo Top Problem solver

1.      Write through high research solution

2.      Always write answer first in your computer then copy paste it on MindSumo Dashboard

3.      Give link of your site or a project that they need

4.      Never write and submit answer in just two or three days, take your time

MindSumo is the best way from internet to earn, if you still have any question feel free to ask and support this site.

MindSumo also Pay money.
Here are some of the screen shots that is enough for you to have a proof that you need.

Proof of Mindsumo 1:
proof 1 of How to Earn From MindSumo with Proof

Proof of MindSumo 2:

proof of payment that How to Earn From MindSumo with Proof

Proof of MindSumo 3:
This is the Email, i received when they like my submission. 

proof 3 of How to Earn From MindSumo with Proof

And at the end of the day, the best thing you got is 


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