Univirsity Of The Punjab Entry Test Fro Admissions Academic Year 2017-18

University Of The Punjab Entry Test Fro Admissions Academic Year  2017-18
The Pre-Admission Entry TEst Forms for the Admissions of the academic year 2017-18 will be available at the Departments/Centers/institutes/Colleges and Gujranwala/Jehlum Campus that have opted for the entry test for Bs/MA/MSc or equivalent programs from Monday 10th July,2017. The Last  date for the submission of Entry Test Forms to the respective Departments/Centers/Institutes/Colleges and Gujranwla/Jhelum Campus are Monday,24th July,2017. During availability/submission of Entry Tests form the Departments/ Centers/Institutes/Colleges and Gujranwala/Jhelum Campus will remain open on saturday/Sunday, The result of the Entry Test Shall be available on Punjab University website www.pu.edu.pk as well as on the Notice Boards of the concerned Departments/Centers/Institutes/Colleges and Gujranwala/Jhelum Campus on Wednesday,23rd August,2017. The Entry Test shall be conducted according to the following schedule. 
