Submission of Report Regarding Payment of Computer Allowance 1500 pm to SST (CS) SED Punjab

Notification NO. SO(SE-III)7-259/2015  is issued by Government of the Punjab School Education Department dated 05-05-2017. It is Top Priority most Urgent Court Case Issued Today.
Submission of Report Regarding Payment of Computer Allowance 1500 pm to SST (CS) SED Punjab
It is submitted to All the Chief executive officer, District Education Authority DEA ,In the Punjab.
Subject: Submission OF Report REGARDING PAYMENT Of COMPUTER ALLOWANCE @ 1500/-p-m To the  SST (Computer-Science)
It is directed to refer to the subject noted above. The learned Punjab service tutorial, Lahore during the proceeding of the case in approval No.434/2015 filed by Mr. taimur Khalid,SST,(CS) Tehsil  Shahpur district Sargodha has directed tp submit data regarding payment of computer allowance @ Rs 1500/P.M to SST(CS) It is therefore requested to send report in the subject case within 3 days positively via Email at illgationschool whether SST (CS) in your direct are paid computer allowance or otherwise this may be treated as most urgent.
Section Officer(SE_III)


1-      PS to secretary school education department

2-      Ps to additional secretary (school)

3-      PA to Deputy Secretary (EE)

Submission of Report Regarding Payment of Computer Allowance 1500 pm to SST (CS) SED Punjab

Submission of Report Regarding Payment of Computer Allowance 1500 pm to SST (CS) SED Punjab