Actualy This is very difficult for me to justify which one is good for you because both of them works like a charm and every person have own choice and the power of judging the things, and i am only the guider so i can tell you only how one is good and how second is less good,what is the difference between them ..etc.If you're a beginner and trying to inhence or improve your tech skills then i think you will familiar about kali linux.Parrot security system is less popular then kali linux because the launch date of parrot security system is 2013 and kali is 2006.Did you know?kali is the advance version of backtrack team.It have almost all popular softwares or scripts which are usefull in doing some pentesting stuff or creating undetectable payload ,wifi sniffing,jamming etc.
What Is Parrot Security System?
Parrot security system is same as kali linux and it is debian based GNU/Linux distribution.Parrot os is released in 10 appril 2013 and developed by FrozenBox team.It is Basicaly designed for finding vulnerability,penetration testing,computer forensics etc.It is also useful to surf web anonymousily.
It is avalable in the lite version and full edition.If you want to use full feature of parrot security system then use full edition of this os.It have many advance feature like cryptography,anonymously online,forensics digital etc.
The best thing of this operating system is,it used the hardware resource less then kali linux so you can see the less lag and bugy in compare to kali linux.It is freely available for both architactures (32 bit or 64 bit).
Parrotsec vs kali linux which one is Best?
As i said in the begenning that it is very difficult to tell you what is better one for you.
Yes but i can tell you some intresting things about them so you will easily know which one is perfect for your pc.Both the os are same but in parrot os you will have some spacial feature in compare to kali linux.But you can install these extra feature in kali also but manualy one by one.Kali linux have not some feature bydefault but parrot have for example wifiphisher is installed bydefault in parrot but not in kali linux.So many of these types of tool are not available in kali linux,you need to install these tools manualy in kali linux.
But if you want to know which one i reccomend you then my choice is kali linux because i m using this operating system from long time and i have some exeperiance about kali.But both the operating system have same terminal windows which is useful for executing commands line.
So if you are planning to install a hacker operating system then install kali in vmware player because it is simple to use.But the best thing is less hardware resources used by parrotsec os in compare to kali linux or other os that's why Parrotsec is faster and smoother then kali .
And if you want some more advance feature then you can install parrot security system.
Parrot have almost 100+ more tools then kali linux.So i suggest you use one operating system either kali or parrot but don't use both the operating system at the same time because you will get confused so better is choose one from them.And its true both are perfect for a learner who want to learn penetration or become ethical hacker.
So friends this is the simple post for latter i'll provide you how to install parrot security system in you computer .If you like this post please share it with your friends.Now this is your turn tell me which one is perfect for you either parrot or kali.