Download 2nd Year (12th Class) Computer Science Guess Paper 2017

Here Your Favorite Blog PakStudyPortal is sharing a very important guess paper of Computer for the students of 11th class. Intermediate 12th Class 2nd Year Computer Science Guess Paper 2017 all the important questions chapterwise are available on this blog for the students of intermediate in computer sciences (ICS).

Download or Check Below 12th Class Computer Science Chapterwise Guess Paper 2017:

Ch 1
Data processing,database system,four major compound of database system. database model
Ch 2
Key?different type of key. difference fixed length field & variable length field.
Ch 3
Data modeling,ER diagram
Ch 4
Data integirty,normalization
Ch 5
IDE,database object,database object used store retrieve data,RDBMS
Ch 6
Query,use advantage types queries. types in MS assess.
Ch 7
Form?use of advantage.
Ch 8
Program programming language,two types.
Ch 9
Identifer?two types of indentifers c. variable declaration?with example. constant?types of constant.
Ch 10
Working "printd"function,escape sequences,"scanf function.
Ch 11
Explain "if-else statement if statement two alternative.
Ch 12
Loops, while loop working,do while loop,for loop,(all program "loop) 

Here is a complete Guess Paper of ICS 12th Class Computer Science, Students will get surly good marks after preparing this  guess work. 

Computer Science 12th Class Important Short Questions:

(Database-MS Access)
1. Differentiate between Data and Information?
2. List different activities in data processing?
3. Define File, Record and Field?
4. Describe Master File, Transaction File and Backup File?
5. How do we organize files on storage media (Sequential, Direct or Random and Indexed sequential files)
6. What is User or End-User?
7. What is Entity?
8. What is attribute?
9. What is Primary Key, Foreign Key and Candidate key?
10. What is relationship? 
11. What is modality?
12. What is cardinality?
13. What is ER-Diagram?
14. Describe database integrity?
15. List different data/database distribution strategies?
16. How database integrity maintained?
17. What is entity integrity?
18. What is referential integrity?
19. Describe Synonym, Homonym, Redundancy and Mutual exclusiveness of data?
20. What is functional dependency?
21. What is partial dependency?
22. What is transitive dependency?
1. Difference b/w Low level and high Level languages?
2. What is Source code and object code?
3. Difference b/w Linker and Loader?
4. What is Pre-Processor Directive? Explain
5. What are header files? Explain
6. What do you know about Keywords?
7. What is variable declaration? 
8. What is variable initialization?
9. What is Overflow and underflow?
10. Explain Range and Precision?
11. Deference b/w Unary and Binary Operator?
12. What is operator precedence?
13. Explain associativity of operator?
14. What is format specifier?
15. What is field width?
16. What are escape sequences?
17. What is difference b/w getch and getche function?
18. Describe gets and puts function?
19. Explain use of sizeof operator?
20. What is the Limitation if Simple “IF” statement?
21. What is nested “if” statement?
22. What is difference b/w while and do-while loop?
23. What is difference b/w counter controlled loop and sentinel controlled loop?
24. What is Continue statement?
25. What is break statement?
26. What is nested loop?

Computer Science 12th Class Important Long Questions:

1. Define data processing? What activities are involved in data processing?
2. Define database model? Describe database models?
3. What is database management system (DBMS)? Discuss its objectives.
4. Describe advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.
5. What is Key? Describe types of keys.
6. Describe database Design Process.
7. What is normalization? Explain 1NF,2NF in detail.
13. Define debugging? Describe different types of errors.
14. Define language processors/translators? Discuss its types?
15. Define variable? Write down rules for naming variables.
16. What is data type? Explain integer data type?
20. Define do-while loop? Explain its working with example.
21. Define while loop? Explain its working with example.
22. Define For loop? Explain its working with example.
23. What is switch structure? Explain its working with examples.

Computer Science 12th Class Important Programs:

1. Write a C program that input a number and find whether it is EVEN or ODD using IF-ELSE structure.
2. Write a C program that input a number and print TABLE of that number.
3. Write a C program that input 2 numbers and find whether these two numbers are equal or not using IF-ELSE structure.
4. Write a C program that input character and find whether it is Vowel or Consonant using Switch structure.
5. Write a C program that input number and find whether it is Positive or Negative or Zero.
6. write a C program that input a number and  displays the factorial of that number
7. Write a C program That input a number and display number is “PRIME Number” or “NOT A PRIME Number”.

Best of Luck for Second Year Computer Students and Keep Visiting Our Blog For Effective Guess Papers.