Orient Spring Summer 2017 Collection Series -1 Buy Online

Orient Textile Summer Lawn 2017: Orient Textile Mills is always on the cutting-edge of style and Innovation, offering its loyal clientele of fashion-savvy women a
Plethora of options to enhance their wardrobes with beautiful and Versatile “looks”. Orient textile mills endeavor to take lawn away from the mundane, And into the realm of high fashion. With this edition we embark on. A new look for our lawn catalogue, transforming it into a veritable
fashion periodical. Elegant ideas from the myriad of designs offered To you will hopefully become your “go-to” style bible.
The quality of our fabric is unparalleled. We make immense efforts With our yarn and weaves, working only with the highest quality of Egyptian and pima cotton and jacquard for ultimate elegance, Comfort and ease.
This Orient Spring Summer Lawn 2017 season, Orient also ups the ante with More ‘fresh’ style revolutions. Being cognizant, we are sensitive to the needs and comfort of our customer and have hence cultivated a state-of-the-art technology that makes her ‘feel’ and ‘look’ both Comfortable and confident. Finally, but definitely not less importantly, we are extremely proud to have the lovely Mawra Hocane featured in the Orient Spring/Summer Collection 2017 Catalogue, who is easily relatable with her pretty girl-next-door looks

And professional demeanor. From successful fashion modeling to a Recognition in acting career, proving that you really can have it all! We are supremely confident that you, our loyal customer will be delighted with the trifecta of quality, comfort and instant glamour offered by each orient piece this season. Wear each piece with pride, In the knowledge that you are adorning the very best!