Special Allowance @50% of basic pay to the employees of civil secretariat Finance Punjab Budget 2016-17
This is from Hamed Yaqoob Sheikh Finance Secretary and submitted to the additional chief secretary Punjab Lahore, the Principal secretary to chief minister Punjab, the Principal secretary to Governor Punjab, the chairman chief minister's inspection team lahore, all administrative secretaries to the Government of the Punjab.Subject: Grant of Special Allowance @50% of basic pay to the employees of civil secretariat Punjab (BS-1 to BS-22)
It is directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that the Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to revise the rates of special allowance from 20% to 50% of basic pay of basic pay scales 2008, as frozen on 30-06-2011, in favour of the employees of Punjab civil secretariat (BS-01 to BS-22), working or posted in the Punjab civil secretariat, Lahore and are drawing pay from the payroll of secretariat departments with effect from 01-02-2017. The said allowance will not be treated as a part of emoluments for the purpose of calculation of pension or commutation.
The officers or officials of Punjab civil secretariat who joined service on or after 01-07-2011 shall be entitled to the grant of special allowance @ 50% 0f the initial of basic pay scales 2008 Finance Punjab Budget 2016-17. Moreover, the officers or officials who were promoted or upgraded on or after 01-07-2011, will be entitled to special allowance @ 50% 0f the basic pay of basic pay scales 2008 as on 30-06-2011 subject to 50% 0f the minimum of pay scales of basic pay scales 2008 Finance Punjab Budget 2016-17 against which such employees have been promoted or upgraded.
Special allowance will not be admissible to the following categories:
1.The officers or officials of Punjab civil Secretariat Departments on deputation or posted by transfer outside the secretariat including attached departments field formations and autonomous bodies.
2.Secretariat employees during extra ordinary leave, study leave, long leave for 120 days or more, training abroad or under suspension.
3. The officers (belonging to judiciary) deputed in the law or any other department in the Punjab civil secretariat who are in receipt of judicial allowance.
4.The administrative secretaries (BS-20 & above) already allowed special allowance @ 20% vide circular letter No. FD.PR.6-7/2006 dated 29-11-2006.
5.The officers or officials of Punjab civil Secretariat while posted in other departments in the secretariat who are in receipt of department specific allowance.
6. The officers or officials of Non-Secretariat offices deputed to work in the Punjab civil Secretariat if already in receipt of department specific allowance.
7. The employees of special education department at secretariat level already in receipt of department specific allowance.
No. & Date Even:
A copy is forwarded for information and necessary action to the Accountant General Punjab Lahore. It is also forwarded for information to all the additional secretaries/ deputy secretaries/section officers, Government of the Punjab, Finance Punjab Budget 2016-17 Civil Secretariat Lahore.
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Special Allowance @50% of basic pay to the employees of civil secretariat Finance Punjab Budget 2016-17