Jobs in Govt of Pakistan National Accountability Bureau Headquarters, Islamabad Last Date 23rd January, 2017

National Accountability Bureau Headquarters. Islamabad intends to fill following positions purely on temporary basis from only Pakistani citizens:-
 Jobs in Govt of Pakistan National Accountability Bureau Headquarters, Islamabad


1. Eligible candidates turf Wing above criteria for respective posts will be called for written test followed by Typing/Shorthand, Key Punching/Key Depression test and subsequently selected top candidates will be called for Interview.

2. Government Servants/Autonomous/ Semi Autonomous/Corporation employees must apply through proper channel otherwise their candidature will not be accepted.

3. No further relaxation In maximum age as mentioned above, against each category will be given. However under • mentioned categories will be admissible age relaxation:

(1) 3 years age relaxation is admissible to the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes. Buddhist Community, Recognized Tribes of the Tribal Areas, Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas.
(2) 3 years age relaxation is admissible to the candidates belonging to South (13) and Balochistan for posts of BPS- • 15 and below.
(3) 15 years (or) the number of years actually served in the ArmedForces of Pakistan whichever is less is admissible to the released or retired personnel of the Armed Forces of Pakistan.
(4) 10 years age relaxation is admissible to Government Servants who have completed 2 years of continuous government service on the closing date.
(5) 10 years age relaxation is admissible to disabled persons Imposts of BPS-15 and below.
(6)  5 years age relaxation Is admissible to widow, son or daughter of deceased NAB Employee who died during service.
(7) Where a candidate is entitled to age relaxation under more than one category specified above, heishe will be allowed relaxation in age only in one category favorable to him/her.

4. 10% posts are reserved for female and 5% posts for minority candidates as per rules of Federal Government against provincial/regional quotas.

5. If a candidate is interested to apply for more than one post. a separate application is to be submitted

6. advertised posts will be governed by NAB Employees Terms and Conditions of Service 2002 and amendments made from time to time.

7. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing Many test and interview. Selected candidates against the post of Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16) can be appointed In any office of NAB and NABs tenure policy shall be  applicable.

8. In case no intimation is received from NAB within 6 months alter the closing date of recency applications:1 may be deemed that you haven't been considered/selected for appointment.

9. Security Clearance/Medic,examination will be conducted for selected candidates.

10. Number of advertised posts may be increased or decreased at the time of final selection.

11. incomplete applications will be rejected.

12. In case a candidate possess additional/extra qualification, be sure that he/she must possess the advertised qualification from govt. recognized institution in required grade/division in any of the above mentioned discipline to become eligible otherwise application may be rejected.

13.  Foreign degree holders must provide a certificate of equivalence from IBCC or Higher Education Commission as the case maybe.

14. Result awaiting candidates on closing date not eligible to apply.

15. Dual Nationality holders are not eligible to apply for appointment against these posts.

16. Ape. Qualification and Experience shall be counted/ examined as on the closing date for receipt of applications.

17. Desirous candidates who fulfill above said criteria may submit their applications as per procedure given below (without any copy of documents).

18. NAB reserves the right to cancel candidature a candidate on any ground whatsoever.

How to Apply?

  1. Application Form and online deposit slip are available on National Testing Service Website
  2. Please pay the prescribed test fee of Rs. 475/• for post given at Sr. No. 1 while Rs. 300/- for other two posts given at Sr. No. 2 and 3 through online deposit slip many of the country.wide online branch of HBL, MCB. UBL or ABL. 
  3. Application without deposit slip will not be entertained. 
  4. Deposited amount is non refundable and non transferable. 
  5. Applications submitted by hand will not be entertained. 
  6. NTS will not be responsible for the late receipt of applications sent through post or by any courier service. 
  7. Candidates are required to send their application to NTS Headquarters. Islamabad on prescribed Form along with paid online deposit slip (original).

Send Application to below Address.

National Testing Service-Pakistan 
NTS Headquarter: 1-E. Street /46. Sector 1-8/2. Islamabad