Govt Jobs in Ministry of Climate Change Pakistan Latest NTS Jobs 2017 - Apply Now

Pakistan Environmental Protection agency , Ministry of Climate Change , Government of Pakistan is looking for suitable candidates for the vacant posts mentioned according to their regional and Provisional Quota . The both male and female candidates having prescribed qualification and experience are eligible to apply .

Vacant Posts & Criteria :

Sr No 1 : Steno typist
Eligibility : The Pakistani Nationals having Intermediate qualification and having typing speed of 40 Words per minute and 80 words per minute speed in short hand . The basic pay scale for steno typist is BPS-14. The seat available on merit the candidate having highest merit %age will be selected . The candidate must have age limit of 21-30 Years.

Sr No 2 : Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
Eligibility : The Pakistani Nationals having Matric qualification and having typing speed of 30 Words per minute . The basic pay scale for Lower Division Clerk is BPS-09 . The seat available on KPK Regional Quota and  the candidate having highest merit %age and KPK Domicile will be selected . The candidate must have age limit of 21-30 Years.

Sr No 3 : Store Keeper
Eligibility : The Pakistani Nationals having Matric qualification.The basic pay scale for store Keeper is BPS-05. The seat available on merit the candidate having highest merit %age and having Domicile of Sindh(Rural) will be selected . The candidate must have age limit of 21-30 Years.

Sr No 4 : Dispatch Rider
Eligibility : The Pakistani Nationals having Middle qualification and Motor Cycle Driving License are eligible to apply .The basic pay scale for Dispatch Rider is BPS-04. The seat available on merit the candidate having highest merit %age and having Domicile of Sindh(Rural) will be selected . The candidate must have age limit of 21-30 Years.

Sr No 5  : Naib Qasid
Eligibility : The Pakistani Nationals having Primary qualification.The basic pay scale for Naib Qasid is BPS-05. The seat available on merit the candidate having highest merit %age and having local Domicile will be selected . The candidate must have age limit of 21-30 Years.

How to apply :
1- Please download NTS Jobs Application forms and Deposit Slips from NTS website or to download application forms and Deposit slips from our website ( : Click Here
2- Please pay the prescribed NTS fee (450 Rs only)  on deposit slip in any mentioned banks like HBL . ABL . MCB and fill the forms completely . Please dont send copies of educational certificates to NTS , Islamabad.  Attach your Two recent Passport Size Photographs, Attested copy of CNIC and Original Bank Deposit Slip (NTS Copy) only.
3-  Last Date to apply is 18th December 2017.
4-  No TA/DA for Candidates .
5-  All Pakistanis are eligible on Merit Seat.

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You Find This Article By :-
* Latest NTS Jobs 2017
* Steno Typists Jobs
* LDC Jobs
* Store Keeper Jobs in Pakistan
* Jobs for Matric Pass