Difference between OCPJP 8 Upgrade Exams 1Z0-813 and 1Z0-810? Which one to take?

Many Java developers who holds a Java certification either from Sun or Oracle and who is looking to upgrade to latest Java version i.e. Java SE 8 certification has a common doubt, should they go for 1Z0-810 or 1Z0-813 upgrade exams? What are the different between these two exams? Well, even though they are both upgrade to Java SE 8 exam, they are separate exams and have a different exam code, the difference is also obvious when you look at their title. The 1Z0-810 exam is known as "Upgrade Java SE 7 to Java SE 8 OCP Programme" while the 1Z0-813 exam is known as "Upgrade to Java SE 8 OCP ( Java SE 6 and all prior versions)".
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