“Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan” Scheme is Launched to improve the quality and coverage of Antenatal Care with Diagnostics and Counselling services as part of Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child and Adolescent Health.Objective:
- It offers some additional opportunities to all pregnant women who have missed their ante-natal visits due to some reasons.
- It ensures to provide care provision by a Doctor, Physician or Specialist in at least one antenatal visit in the second or third trimester.
- It also Improves the quality of care taken during ante-natal. This includes ensuring of the below services.
- It provides applicable diagnostic services
- Screening for the applicable clinical conditions in the State or District.
- Suitable management of any existing clinical condition like Anemia, Pregnancy induced hypertension, Gestational Diabetes etc.
- Proper counselling services in the State or District.
- Proper documentation of services rendered
Main Strategies:
After extensive deliberations with National level experts, it has been suggested that Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan will be held on the 9th of every month, wherein all of the essences of the maternal health services will be provided at identified public health facilities as well as accredited private institutions and clinics, volunteering for the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan. These services will be provided by the Medical Officer or by Specialist. Facilities where such trained manpower is not available, services from Private Practitioners (OBGY) on a voluntary basis are to be arranged. PMSMA will help in providing quality ANC & also detection, referral, treatment and follow-up of high-risk pregnancies and women having complications.Basic Strategies:
- Formation of Perfect Planning and Execution of committees at National, State and District level.
- Identification and Mapping of the Facilities/Clinics (both Public and Private Sector) where services under PMSMA will be delivered.
- Planning to create awareness among the beneficiaries and service providers for Successful implementation of PMSMA by Radio Channels, TVs, Print Media, etc.
- Estimation of the logistic requirement
- Capacity building of the health care providers on the service package to be provided during the PMSMA.
- Estimation of Total Budget for successful implementation of PMSMA.
Provision of services during PMSMA:
- All the beneficiaries visiting the Facility should first be registered in a separate register for PMSMA. After registration, ANM & SN to ensure that all basic laboratory investigations are done before the beneficiary is examined by the OBGY/Medical Officer.
- The report of the investigations should ideally be handed over within an hour and before the beneficiaries are meeting the doctors for further checkups.
- This will ensure identification of High-Risk status (like anaemia, gestational diabetes, hypertension, infection etc.) at the time of examination and further advice.
- In certain cases, where additional investigations are required, beneficiaries should be advised to get those investigations done and share the report during next PMSMA or during her routine ANC check-up visit.
Roles and Responsibilities of Service Providers:
- To nominate a nodal officer for PMSMA who will be responsible for the execution of the PMSMA in the State or district.
- To nominate a person for execution of the awareness campaign in the State or district.
- To nominate a person for District Nodal Officer.
- To ensure that every facility is provided with a medical officer
- To identify the facilities were PMSMA will be organised based on the criteria/prerequisites as mentioned in the above section.
- To conduct orientation and training of all the staff on the operationalization of PMSMA
- To coordinate with District Program Manager and supply chain management team in providing all the logistics required by the facilities for organising PMSMA.
- To coordinate with District IEC/BCC nodal person for implementation of mass awareness campaigns in the district.
- To plan and execute supportive supervision activities
- To facilitate empanelment and mapping of private specialist doctors volunteering to offer services during PMSMA. Coordinate with Facility In- charge for their deployment