NTS KP-TEVTA Recruitment Test 2016 | Test Date | Roll NO Slips

KPK Government took good decision and introduced Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority TEVTA in KPK like Punjab province.

Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority KPK TEVTA has invited applications for various posts and NTS will conduct recruitment test for this TEVTA jobs 2016.

You can download Application Forms for TEVTA Jobs 2016 and should be submitted till 16thDecember, 2016. NTS will announce test date later after forms submission.

Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority,
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP-TEVTA)
(Position Vacant)

Provisional List of Candidates

Test Date : Test Date : Will be Announced Soon & Last Date for submission of query is 16th December 2016a