Mehndi Designs | Top Henna Mehndi Designs 2017

Mehndi is a form of temporary skin decoration that is very popular in South Asia. Mehndi decorations became fashionable in the West in the late 1990s, where they are sometimes called henna tattoos. Henna is typically applied during special occasions like weddings and festivals. It is usually drawn on the palms and feet, where the color will be darkest because the skin contains higher levels of keratin which binds temporarily to lawsone, the colorant of henna. Henna was originally used as a form of decoration mainly for brides. Mehndi design is applied on hands or feet of a woman, and it is common that to apply henna on palms where due to the presence of high levels of keratin the color appears in its dark form. Fresh henna leaves are ground, and oil is added to make cones which are used professionally for applying Mehndi designs. Although Mehndi design still refers to the common term of applying henna on the body parts, there exists various forms and types of designs that can be further categorized based on the features and their origins.

As the Fashion Changed. The application of mehndi designs is probably not synonymous with western weddings, but Indian and Pakistani weddings are never complete without these mehndi designs! Pakistani mehndi and Indian mehndi designs usually adorn the feet and hands of women that attend weddings in many different shapes and colors, though black mehndi designs, as well as dark red mehndi designs, are the most common. These short-term tattoos would usually last for two to three weeks, and would fade after a maximum of one month. Decorating the bride with natural henna is without doubt compulsory. Nevertheless, the girls and women around them take the liberty to apply mehndi designs on themselves as well, usually on the hand and feet, but some do apply on other body parts as well such as the legs and the arms. Mehndi’s origin was from Africa. But its use starts from sub-continent which today is known as India and Pakistan. The tradition of Mehndi started from the Muslims because the use of Mehndi was allowed in their religious. Women are allowed to apply Mehndi on their Nails and hands to distinguish their selves from men.

Mehndi Designs 2017

In the last few centuries, mehndi has also gained in significance in the other cultures; it has undergone a phase of renewal. Today, many pop stars from the West and Hollywood personalities make use of mehndi patterns as an alternative to the tattoos for getting a pain free body art. Some of the famous personalities have been seen wearing mehndi includes Demi Moore, Madonna, Naomi Campbell, Nell McAndrew and Liv Tyler to name a few. The traditional mehndi art is still adorned for applying henna on the hands as well as feet; it is an essential part of every Indian festive. The major mehndi patterns styles are Middle Eastern style, North African style, Indonesian and Southern Asian styles and Indian and Pakistani designs. The art of mehndi designs has varied from one country to the other, spanning different religious traditions and cultures.

Indian subcontinents weddings are highly influenced by Bridal Mehndi design traditions and various forms of cultures also show the history of henna being a part of decorations during marriages. In Indian weddings Bride follows many customs and traditions as a part of her decorative collections and palms, elbows, feet, and calves are decorated with the masterpiece of Mehndi designs. Henna designs are the natural form of designs that lasts temporarily for few days and are used effectively to make designs on the hands and feet of the to-be-married girl. While the color allotted by these designs may vary according to the usage and light or dark shades can be achieved, there has been a good deal of demand for professional designers who can provide their valuable art work to give an authentic as well as majestic output.

At the time of the wedding, all girls wether Pakistani, or Bangladeshis like to apply Indian Mehndi designs. Because Indian Mehndi designs are very pretty and covered full hands, arms and wrist. Indian introduces the styles of applying Mehndi on arms, wrist, and feet. So, here we have some Indian Wedding Mehndi Designs For Hands, which make your wedding day more remember able. While a good Mehndi design reflects fashion and decorations, few mass of people also consider it as a symbol of auspiciousness and divine. Rajasthani Mehndi design has a good blend of curved figures and carefully crafted accurate handwork to match your desires and occasions. The traditional way of using henna leaves for making design cones and applying them with different shades of color is a hot trend or fashion fiesta at present.

Mehndi is the most important for a bride. It gives a woman a real bridal look. Most brides want such design of Mehndi which must be beautiful and up to full arms. Sometime it also reached to the upper arm. There is no lack of Arabic bridal Mehndi designs For Hands, now a days, Arabic designs of Mehndi are most common which mostly covered the outer and inner side of hands and arms, which helps to make jewelry of hands and arms more prominent, especially rings and bangles.

Mehndi is applied on some special occasions like Diwali, Teej, Eid, weddings, birthday parties and many other auspicious festivals. Mehndi design is applied on hands or feet of a woman, and it is common that to apply henna on palms where due to the presence of high levels of keratin the color appears in its dark form. Fresh henna leaves are ground and oil is added to make cones which are used professionally for applying Mehndi designs. The origin of Mehndi as a part of celebration has been found to be of ancient Indian origin, and beautiful patterns are still applied to brides at the time of wedding ceremonies. Although Mehndi design still refers to the common term of applying henna on the body parts, there exists various forms and types of designs that can be further categorized based on the features and their origins. The popular designs at present are found in the form of Rajasthani, Arabic, Pakistani, and Minakari, etc.