National Aptitude Test (NAT 2016-XII) NTS Online Application Submiss
National Aptitude Test (NAT 2016-XII) Registration has been started from Sunday, 20 – November, 2016.This National Aptitude Test (NAT 2016-XII) test will be held for the different subject as NAT-IE (Pre Engineering),
class=”mt5″>National Aptitude Test (NAT™) is for admissions in NTS™ associated universities / DAIs (degree awarding institutes). The candidates will appear in a single test only and will stand eligible for admission to all universities in the respective subject group.
NAT-IM (Pre Medical),NAT-IA (Arts / Humanities),NAT-ICS (Computer Science),NAT-IGS (General Science),NAT-ICOM (Commerce),NAT-IIA (Arts & Social Science),NAT-IIM (Management Science),NAT-IIO (Oriental & Islamic Studies),NAT-IIB (Biological Science),NAT-IIP (Physical Science).So Now do your nts test National Aptitude Test (NAT 2016-XII) Registration here at this page also.