Top 2 Books for OCPJP8 Certification - Java 8 1Z0-809, 810, 813 Exam

This is the second part of best books for Java 8 certifications. Since you need to pass two exams, OCAJP8 and OCPJP8 to become a Java SE 8 certified developer, I have shared some of the best OCAJP8 books in the last article. In this article, I will tell you more about the second exam OCPJP8 and suggest best books prepare OCPJP8. This exam is known as professional level exam and it's tougher than the associate level exam. The OCPJP8 stands for Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer. The exam code for this certification is 1Z0-809. This is if you don't have any prior Java certifications but you can still become a Java SE 8 certified developer by giving upgrade exams e.g. 1Z0-810 if you already passed the OCJPJP7 exam and 1z0-813 if you have passed OCPJP6 exams. The books suggested in this article is primarily for the 1Z0-809 exam but it can also be used for upgrade exams e.g. 1Z0-810 (upgrade from Java SE 7 to Java SE 8) and 1Z0-813 (upgrade from Java SE 6 to Java SE 8) certifications.
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